An advantage of electing Obama.

We won’t have to hear any more excuses from Americans or complaints from non-Americans.

If a half black/half white, fatherless, child with a Muslim name, born to an unwed teenager… can grow up to become President of the United States… everyone around the world would have to shut the %$#@ up.

[quote=“gromicko, post:1, topic:32800”]

We won’t have to hear any more excuses from Americans or complaints from non-Americans.

If a half black/half white, fatherless, child with a Muslim name, born to an unwed teenager… can grow up to become President of the United States… everyone

Oh no Nick! You did it now! here comes the race card;-):stuck_out_tongue:

The Land Of Opportunity:D

Are you claiming immaculate conception?

I think thats how the media sees it!:slight_smile: