An amazing "We'll Buy Your Home Back" Guarantee story. Unbelievable but true!

Do you show us where, etc like the $1.8, etc??

AND a quick question … Over the years I’ve had my own whiny babies, and having at varied times been President of 2 different state associations.

I’ve fielded many calls from people where they complain and complain about other inspectors BUT the stuff they whined about was: stuff he did not do per SoP; things the seller had cleverly covered over or hidden; things that were legit BUT started 9 months, a year OR 2 years after the inspection, etc; OR they got buyers remorse and found another house they like better AND their complaints are JUST whiny baby crap.

How would you rate the % of complaints people have used so far to get the BUYBACK.

Trivia … Real Significant / We Missed Something BIG … Buyers Remorse … ???

It seems to be fairly common that the other inspectors in this area tend to not answer their phones.
It was a pleasure speaking with you during this process and this assisted in highlighting some areas that I may be overlooking in the customer service area.

While everything in this process fairly much ended in the way it is displayed here. It was not quite as smooth as stated. There were some hiccups and Agent bias against the program, but things evolved nicely.

I am glad that it went good for everyone.

No Dan, I do not plan on moving to Iowa. We are going to rent out the property.

John, Thank you again. I honestly am grateful for your help with everything. You did a great job, and went above and beyond for a fellow brother. Some of the things I stated were valuable learning experiences for me and my business. It was good to be a buyer again, it will help me understand buyers and agents better.