Originally Posted By: rhinck This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I know that you will read that Radon work is not profitable but I have found it to be. Prior I was always asked if I provided radon measurements and had to say no. It is as easy to sell as anything. When I get a call I simply ask if they want radon included. Many times even if thay have decided not to have a measurement take on their proposal with the realtor, by simply asking at the inspection generates conversation and they say for the peace of mind go ahead and include it. I always have moniters and paperwork with me so I don’t waste a trip. I even say that if we set the moniter today while I’m hear I will discount the fee by $25. That’s my 2 cents.
Originally Posted By: kdolin This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
hey there, If you are just starting out and dont have the experiance with some of these other services, why dont you subcontract them out and mark them up, make a deal with the septic inspector he bills you a discounted rate for increased volume you mark up the service a small percentage for handleing that gives you an op to market servcies that you dont actually preform, then you can gain experiance and cut out the sub.
Originally Posted By: Gary Van Florcke This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
If you can handle the beating you are going to get on this BB, Go for Mold Inspection. We did 43 analysis today for one of our regular Condo customers. We also do Home Inspections for them, but mold has tripled our business.
Originally Posted By: osmith This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Great ideas! This helps a lot by giving me short term and long term options.
Having this membership and access to your wisdom and experience is turning out to be more than I ever imagined.
Originally Posted By: jhagarty This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Gary Van Florcke wrote:
If you can handle the beating you are going to get on this BB, Go for Mold Inspection. We did 43 analysis today for one of our regular Condo customers. We also do Home Inspections for them, but mold has tripled our business.
Originally Posted By: lkage This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
jhagarty wrote:
My question was not to debate whether or not to do testing. If a situation is encountered that warrants Testing, the recommendation for further evaluation and testing should be made.
My question is After you make the recommendation for Testing and take samples, and After you receive the Lab results, How do you report those findings?
-Send the Lab report without explanation?
-Send a cover letter along summarizing results?
-Are there any recommendations made?
I understood that but maybe I wasn't clear.
Do you have any pros and cons of how to report the lab result findings?
Originally Posted By: pdacey This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
kdolin wrote:
make a deal with the septic inspector he bills you a discounted rate for increased volume you mark up the service a small percentage
Be careful in doing this. In TX we have to disclose to the client anything that would be considered compensation for doing business with other contractors.