Another consumer disappointed with Mike Holmes Inspections.

Mike Holmes was personally (through his producer) invited to perform a home inspection on a home and have Joe Farsetta follow behind him to inspect the same house and to compare reports.

He refused to acknowledge the invitation. We all know why.

It is wise to remember that Mike Holmes is not a contractor or a home inspector … but simply plays one on television.

A Mike Holmes home inspection would be the equivalent of having George Clooney (who once played a television doctor on the popular television show, “ER”) perform heart surgery on your child.

Caveat emptor.

Not fair to George Clooney. I don’t think even GC would tear all the skin off, open up the whole body, break all the bones and throw away components that are clearly OK to be re-used again just to get at the heart.

Pretty sure he is or was a general contractor for more than 20 years. Had 13 employees working for him at the age 21. I like his shows.

His shows are definitely entertaining but they are not reality. Home inspectors are not allowed to tear into walls or do other types of destructive testing to find the issues.
As for him being a contractor you are correct. The issue I have is no one would be able to afford him if he did the same things he does on his shows.
He has gone from being a contractor to being a showman or actor. To bad, he was probably really good in the real world.