I have a roof that is truly hip shape but has a less than 2/12 pitch. Would it be considered hip or other?
Bruce Waits
First Choice Home Inspections.
I have a roof that is truly hip shape but has a less than 2/12 pitch. Would it be considered hip or other?
Bruce Waits
First Choice Home Inspections.
I say other.
Flat (Other)
I’d like to see a picture of that!
According to the form, it can’t be a flat roof, even though technically, it is.
It will probably be “other” or “C”. But, a case could be made that it is “A”, as it doesn’t say on the form, what pitch a hip roof has to be. I know what the course teaches, but that isn’t what the form “says”.
That is why the OIR must make the course and why there can be only one. Just like highlander
It is not difficult to become a course provider and they are all different and APPROVED.
Instructors put whatever they feel is best in them and a lot of it is not FACT.
The OIR should write the course and test then let anyone “qualified” teach it with any additional tips or OPINIONS they wish to add.
Why is this simple solution not being considered by anyone but me?
It seems like the logical answer to solve all these issues.
I have taken 4 different courses and they are very much the same (maybe a little thing here or there that changes), although the instructor can change everything. That is where some of it gets lost in the mix. If you never performed one wind mit it is a lot harder to answer the proper question when teaching.
to answer the question = other
Thanks, other is what I was thinking as well. The customer is not going to like it because she looked at a diagram of a hip roof and said thats what I have. She just doesn’t know the details…Ahh those details
Low slope, concidered flat roof= Other on the 1802
Just make sure it is LESS than 2:12
2:12 is considered low slope not flat.
correct me if I’m wrong
Looks like it is leaking to me with that dark stain to the right. Maybe because shingles are no good on a roof that slope. With that being said I think the form states less than 2:12 is flat = other
That isn’t what the form states Preston. Here is what the form states:
So, on a roof that is on a single family dwelling, the above does not apply. And I am certain I heard John say those exact words at the conference we were at.
This is yet another example of why the OiR needs to pay someone to consult with them prior to releasing these forms.
As always, I am available!
See attached.
There are applications for asphalt shingles specifying underlayments that allow an installation on 2/12. The roof is not Flat. I would designate hip and argue the point.
The new 1802 does not specify. If the form has a fault it is OIR’s problem not ours. I don’t care who teaches what until and unless OIR puts a stamp of approval on it. It may be a mute point soon, I believe there actually is something York is putting together that OIR intends to endorse.
Didn’t mean to stir up confucsion Gentleman.
My use of the term flat, was NOT meant as the roof shape on the 1802. In fact, most flat deck are pitched in one way or another. The roof is low slope, so are most flat roofs.
As stated it should be rated as Other.
As Brian stated earlier roof with slopes between 2/12 and up to 4/12 are required to have 2 layers of underlayment per the FBC. Roof geometry discounts are based on wind resistance and leaking. A hip framed roof with a 2/12 pitch will have better wind resistance than say a hip framed roof at 6/12.
The form specifically states roofs with a pitch less than 2/12. (More than 5 units)
The roof is a hip
Auditors that I now deal with consider a roof that is less than 2/12 pitch, is flat. Whether it is referenced in the multi-family selection and not the other selections is irrelevant. This is what they have determined to be the clarification of a flat roof.
The roof is OTHER
That’s what I would point at, the fact that the do define flat on the form as less than 2:12. I understand it is listed under the multi 5 unit section but it still is giving the definition of flat. Brad, as far as an auditor from a certain company, I would be careful what they tell you. I have proved them wrong more then once
One more point about a 2/12 having better wind resistance that a 6/12, think about this. If the openings under that 2/12 roof have been breached, this would turn that roof into an airplane wing with positive lift. The 6/12 pitch would disrupt the airflow over the roof enough to not produce the same lift. Its getting late. LOL
Preston, I am not referring to that certain company’s auditors.