Ran into a fun one today… What is the shape of this roof? What is your reasoning for selecting this shape under these rules?
what are the #'s
the flat area is greater than 10% of the hip.
Is the flat area a covered porch or is it part of the house. You said that the flat part is connected only to the fascia board and nothing else. Is that correct.
They are in the lines of the exterior walls, kinda hard to see.
It is part of the main structure, the trusses are tied into the hip structure.
There is no option for other, the flat area is not 10% of the entire roof. Entire roof is 1,635 sq. ft. while flat area is 150 sq. ft.
The question on the form is not that the flat area exceeds 10% of the hip area area but rather: flat roof shape greater than 100 square feet or 10% of the ENTIRE ROOF, whichever is greater. In my opnion to determine the entire roof area you have to add the flat area and the hip area to determine the entire roof area. You would also need to decide if you are going adjust for the roof pitch on the pitched areas as some experts recommend.
what is the “adjustment for pitch” never heard of it.
Roof is a Hip roof according to 1802
total area 1635
flat roof 150
less than 10%
make no allowance for pitch and dont count overhang.
You do count overhangs and you can adjust for the pitch.
Even if the flat roof is structurally attached it is hip.
I just have to laugh every time. I hope someone learns every time too.
I do not understand how people can think that their interpretation is correct when there are people and proper classes for this information. The people that make it up as they go make us all look bad.
whats the perimeter?
John, go back and look at the sketch. If it were to be a structurally integral part of the main roof assembly then it would sit atop the top plate or the block wall. Unless there is no overhang on the hip roof the flat roof must extend into the hip. The dotted lines don’t indicate that. Since we are ASKED TO CALCULATE total square footage there is no way to accurately assess the difference that is not shown. Experts… HA! there are no experts just Aholes with opinions I know for sure because I be 's one.
We can only give him an answer based on the info he provided. There are experts, including York, Dr Uz and ID. Are they correct, I do not know. If I ever have to explain myself I sure as hell should be able to reference one or more expert opinions or reference material.
All my opinions are based on more than five wind mit classes and more than 10k inspections. Are any of us correct? Only the makers of the form(and there are many) know its true intentions and if we matched them. I can tell you that some of the people listed above have been to most of the meetings and have a better idea of the true intentions of the form than most. This is what makes them the experts. Developing opinions without that knowledge is were inspectors go wrong.
“And that is all I have to say about that.” :twisted:
I did not calculate it, I do not understand his other lines.
The flat area is NOT 150 square feet, so what is it?
This has been debated a while back on another thread in the Florida list. The theory behind this is that two pitched roofs might have identical roof perimeter measurements but can have different roof pitches. If they do, the one with the greater pitch will have have a larger total roof area. They appear to be saying that you should measure total roof area of the home as the form says and not the area of the home. Page 120 of the York manual I recieved last December talks about adjusting for roof pitch in calculating the roof area for the flat determination.
John yes you can count overhangs, yes you can count pitch, but what is the point when the flat comes out under ten percent. The idea is to do this quickly. If the flat was borderline, then worry about it. It’s not, so taking extra time to increase the area of a hip roof, makes no sense. The fact that he didn’t draw any lines on the sketch, and didn’t tell us pitch, are unimportant because they will only increase total area and won’t affect the fact, that the flat roof still remains under 10% Of total area.
I was taught that the calculation of roof square footage is by building perimeter and is not too include overhangs or roof pitch. The only reason for calculating a percentage is too exclude a lets say a 750 sq/ft home with an 80 sq/ft flat deck. In other words for most homes if the flat deck is 100 sq/ft it is considered flat. If I’m wrong please post something from one of these so called experts manuals so we can put this subject too bed and all be on the same page.