Just getting started and hoping to speak with someone in Southern Ca about ride along.
There’s a list of inspectors in your area on this website.
www.inspectorseek.com Just enter your zip code.
Where in socal?
Give me a call if you are in the LA area.
Garett Martell
Inspection Pros
818 220 9512j
We are hiring right now in San Diego. Please see our post or contact me.
Doug, where in So Cal, it’s a large area
SoCal is bigger than some States.
Heck, So Cal has far more people than some entire countries.
And more inspectors than some countries!
And more real estate agents than there are houses for sale!
I’m from SoCal, but live in Va Beach
Yep, I’m from So Cal. Born and raised in L.A. Not there now though. No regrets.
Go Dodgers! Screw the giants.