Anyone Want a Naples Condo Inspection?

I got a message from a former client.
She is buying a condo in Naples & wanted to know if I would go there.
I told her it’s out of my service area & I would try to get her a referral from someone on the west coast who wanted it.

If I was doing it, I would have charged her $275.00.
I doubt the fee would be questioned.

Geez. It’s only a two hour drive. Charge her travel/mileage and make a weekend of it!


Youse gots nuthin two warry bout thare cuz! :stuck_out_tongue:

I knew I’d get crap from posting the fee.
I did not quote her anything, that’s for whomever wants it do do.
A former client with a 900 sq ft condo gets a courtesy.
That’s how I operate & why my phone still rings after 19 years.
It makes me feel good to be nice! Try it, you may like it.

I wanted to make sure she used a INachi inspector.
You want her info Russ?

Come on Jeff, just a little 1600 mile jaunt for you.
When you finish, you can stay over at my pool home, have fun, be treated at my favorite sushi restaurant. YAHOO! \:D/

If I was licensed down there, I would consider it. I have an old friend from HS that lives on Marco Island I haven’t seen in quite a while. It would have been good to see him again.

Hell, I’m a starving HI, I’ll do it :slight_smile: (maybe)


Carl, email me & I’ll send you the info.

Thank you.


Emailed. Also may have a GC that will come along with me.


I appreciate it, but it would seem that maybe you have given a price point. The $275 is a number but you mentioned no specifics.

In Naples, we have inspected 8000 SF condos…so when I just see a number without anything else I stay away.

I appreciate it and Carl is a great guy…share some of the love.

Thanks for posting here…very kind of you.


Thanks again for the referral. Did this inspection Sunday. Went well.


The price point was a little low, I adjusted it with the client. I referred you for the mold, radon testing, but they didn’t feel it was necessary (I guess).


Thanks Carl!
Got an email from the client praising your service. :smiley: