"Appears Serviceable"

Originally Posted By: rmeyers
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Nick & Chris,

Got a local call (Champaign, IL) this afternoon from a gentleman moving to the Clearwater, FL area.

He was in possession of an inspection report on a newly constructed home which he was clearly upset with. Most of the comments on the report were "appeared serviceable" with a mix of couldn't be inspected for various reasons (some legitimate!). Some items "appearing serviceable" weren't even there! Sounded to me like an ineffective "Boiler Plate" report designed with one thing in mind, avoid any liability at all cost. Report was so ambiguous client questioned whether the inspector checked anything.

Even the realtor who referred the inspector had a "Punch List" which included a patio door that didn't operate but did "appear serviceable" on the report! (I wonder if serviceable and repairable are interchangeable legal terms?)

SOLUTION! icon_biggrin.gif NACHI TO THE RESCUE!!! icon_biggrin.gif

Within literally seconds of directing the gentleman to the NACHI web site he had the names of 4 of our members that were within 50 miles of Clearwater. Before I could even finish telling him about the advantages of using a NACHI inspector he was reading to me from "Michael Theodore's" web site.

I'm not sure what he will do with the information, but it was nice to be able to provide the assistance he needs to hopefully get a meaningful report and put his concerns to rest with the assistance of a NACHI Certified Inspector!

To me, this is what it is all about! HELPING OTHERS!

THANK YOU! NICK & CHRIS for all your hard work, it's being put to good use!


Russ Meyers

Originally Posted By: jfarsetta
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NACHIs awesome, and getting better all the time… I know that boilerplate you are talking about. Sounds like the stock I.T.A. lingo.

"Appeared Serviceable"... isn't that how some of us used to describe women when we had a few brews to many to really care? Hmmm...

Gosh, I wasn't even a home inspector then! Appeared Serviceable... yeah, that's the ticket!

Originally Posted By: ecrofutt
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“Appeared Serviceable” when the bar closed.

"Coyote Ugly" the next morning.

Originally Posted By: Richard Stanley
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Ugly is being nice. I had the opportunity to view one of those ITA “appears serviceable” reports this past weekend. It was performed in Orlando area. Part of their $580,000 is coming apart, but, the wall “appeared serviceable”. It needs alot of service. Guess that guy is about to spend some unhappy days. I also read the demand letters that were ready to go in certified mail. I was embarrassed to know that someone in this industry could do such a lousy job. I’m still rying to figure out what “appears serviceable” means. I never use the word “appears” in my report. Inspect it. Make a decision. Report it. Maybe there is some ITA person lurking that can enlighten me!!!

Originally Posted By: dbush
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I much prefer, on the “Canned reports” the term - functional at time of inspection.

Dave Bush

MAB Member


Originally Posted By: ecrofutt
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Both of them sound like inspector speak s#!t to me.

Write what you see. Use short simple sentences that your client can understand. Use the active voice, not passive.

Most people who write "inspector speak" are just trying (and failing) to make themselves sound intelligent.

Erby Crofutt
B4U Close Home Inspections
Georgetown, KY

Originally Posted By: jfarsetta
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Check out the "significantly deficient" thread...

Joe F