Applied Science TRADEMARKING everything inspection related!

Originally Posted By: rcooke
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Friday at 2;00 pm at Niagra Falls .

I wonder will it be like last year lots of pump up and then nothing.

Does any one remember all the hoopla about the big inspection results that would make all those

who went to whistler and spent their money could make a fortune.

Suddenly you could hear a pin drop. Nothing more was said .

This was another where CMHC put in a lot of money .

( Bill says they did not ) ( Bill also said earlier in the year that CMHC was putting in $100,000:000)

Roy Cooke Sr.

Originally Posted By: clawrenson
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I feel some of the statements recently posted here, cross the line of proper ethical behaviour. I would not advise any person to break the law, or suggest stating unfair and racial mockery of certain people.

I have to hate when real facts seem to get in the way of making a good story! Stay tuned. Lets get back to the subject line and not blurry the facts. Simple question - have you asked for the facts from those involved?

More importantly - will NACHI assume the costs for those Canadian members who are possibly "infringing" on that trademark? Seems Brett from B.C. and a few others have found out the hard way.

Ontario Home Inspections Inc.

Originally Posted By: rcooke
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clawrenson wrote:
I feel some of the statements recently posted here, cross the line of proper ethical behaviour. I would not advise any person to break the law, or suggest stating unfair and racial mockery of certain people.


Claude You are on Bill Mullen's CLOSED Canuk Forum and have seen his and others postings .
Here (On an open BB) we are having a little fun and I am sure you can see that.
You see the continuing malicious attacks against NACHI and some of its members on the Canuk Forum.
Why have you not told them how poor their attitudes are .
It would be great if My Fontana was to go to the Canuk forum,
and see what sort of people that are trying to get control of the Canadian home Inspectors .
I invite him to come to the NACHI BB and see how much different the members are here.
For You say we have crossed the line and to not say any thing about Bill and Dave
and the poison they spread is disappointing to me .
Could this be because you are a personal friend of Bill .
Could this be because you are looking out for your and Bills future to be in a position
( like many on the OAHI BOD) to make big money from the Canadian Home inspectors .
No I do not think I am over stepping the line.
I really feel that even thought you and others keep talking about helping HI's,
It looks to me that it is your future you are looking out for .
I do appreciate what you have done and still do to help other HI's.
I also feel that by chastising on the NACHI board and ignoring the malicious attacks
on the CANUK Forum you and Bill have an ulterior motive.
I expect time could prove me correct.

Roy Cooke Sr.

Originally Posted By: rwand1
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I guess some have no sense of humour. Oh well I guess they won’t be putting that Viagara dispenser at the front door to the convention centre. Now no one will rise to the occassion when they play Hail to the Chief.

I removed the picture because I didn't want to scare any children who looked a this thread. ![icon_redface.gif](upload://f7DX2EWhmUfsDapWaYT3oJHMCj1.gif) ![icon_redface.gif](upload://f7DX2EWhmUfsDapWaYT3oJHMCj1.gif) ![icon_redface.gif](upload://f7DX2EWhmUfsDapWaYT3oJHMCj1.gif) ![icon_redface.gif](upload://f7DX2EWhmUfsDapWaYT3oJHMCj1.gif)

Who said anything about racially motivated disparging remarks? Seems some can make veiled threats in an effort to keep some people away from the conference and no one says anything about that.

Registered Homely Inspector
Raymond Wand

Raymond Wand
Alton, ON
The value of experience is not in seeing much,
but in seeing wisely. - Sir William Osler 1905
NACHI Member
Registered Home Inspector (OAHI)

Originally Posted By: rwand1
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I don’t see any privilege granting special designation CHI in the ACT or by-laws.

ASTT Regulations

4.4 Stamps or Seals - Certified Members

Stamps or seals may be issued to certified members prescribed by Council. Stamps and seals may only be affixed to documents prepared by a certified member or prepared under his direct supervision. Use of the stamp or seal is strictly limited to documents describing work or containing information that is within the scope of practice defined by the member's academic qualifications, training and experience.

4.5 Stamps or Seals - Technical Specialists

Stamps or seals may be issued to technical specialists as prescribed by Council. Stamps and seals may only be affixed to documents prepared by the Technical Specialist or prepared under his direct supervision. Use of the stamp or seal is strictly limited to documents describing work or containing information that is within the scope of practice defined by the Special Certification and Licensing Board and approved by Council.

15. Prohibition

(1) A person, other than a member of the association, must not take or use any name, title, addition or description, by means of a middle initial or letters placed after the person's name, or otherwise state or imply or take any action calculated to lead people to infer that the person is a member of the association.
(2) A person other than a member of the association must not use the abbreviated form of the name of the association or any other abbreviation alone or in combination with any other word or name in any way that expressly or by implication infers that the person is a member of or connected in any way with the association.

9. Certificate of registration

(1) On entering the name of an applied science technologist or certified technician in the register, the registrar must issue a certificate of registration to the person.
(2) A certificate of registration issued under this section entitles the holder to use the title applied science technologist or certified technician.
(3) A person referred to in subsection (2) may use the abbreviation "A.Sc.T." for the title "applied science technologist" and may use the abbreviation "C.Tech." for the title "certified technician".
(4) The registrar must issue an annual certificate of registration in accordance with the regulations to a member whose registration is not under suspension and who has paid the annual fee.

Raymond Wand
Alton, ON
The value of experience is not in seeing much,
but in seeing wisely. - Sir William Osler 1905
NACHI Member
Registered Home Inspector (OAHI)

Originally Posted By: clawrenson
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My comments were referenced to the insensitive and discriminatory remarks belittling first nations people. Its also unfortunately deemed insensitive and once again to be openly displayed on an open public forum now involves others.

I might suggest that what you may see as humorous is thought otherwise by those that are being unfairly targeted. Again I am not the human rights police, but its obvious that some watching cannot post or fairly reply in kind.

I found out about this by others. So simply remember "others' are watching and waiting. NACHI can stop them from responding, but they cannot stop them from using your incriminating posts in future actions against you.

Ontario Home Inspections Inc.

Originally Posted By: rwand1
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I guess the question that comes to mind is…

Is ASTTBC allowing the stamp to be used by CHI in the compilation and production of a home inspection report?

Raymond Wand
Alton, ON
The value of experience is not in seeing much,
but in seeing wisely. - Sir William Osler 1905
NACHI Member
Registered Home Inspector (OAHI)

Originally Posted By: rwand1
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My comments were referenced to the insensitive and discriminatory remarks belittling first nations people. Its also unfortunately deemed insensitive and once again to be openly displayed on an open public forum now involves others.

I might suggest that what you may see as humorous is thought otherwise by those that are being unfairly targeted. Again I am not the human rights police, but its obvious that some watching cannot post or fairly reply in kind.

I found out about this by others. So simply remember "others' are watching and waiting. NACHI can stop them from responding, but they cannot stop them from using your incriminating posts in future actions against you.

I don't think it was discriminatory anymore than any hockey team using an Indian head as a logo. And don't make threats you can't keep. My comments stand so call a cop and stop playing the race card! You seem to operate under two standards. Anything you don't like is commented on. If it doesn't concern you or bother you you say nothing. Too bad what you don't like you are not the thought police. Now what are you doing as Ethics Chair about veiled threats? I don't see OAHI or CAHPI taking any action considering what has gone on!

Raymond Wand
Alton, ON
The value of experience is not in seeing much,
but in seeing wisely. - Sir William Osler 1905
NACHI Member
Registered Home Inspector (OAHI)

Originally Posted By: rcooke
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clawrenson wrote:
My comments were referenced to the insensitive and discriminatory remarks belittling first nations people. Its also unfortunately deemed insensitive and once again to be openly displayed on an open public forum now involves others.

I might suggest that what you may see as humorous is thought otherwise by those that are being unfairly targeted. Again I am not the human rights police, but its obvious that some watching cannot post or fairly reply in kind.

I found out about this by others. So simply remember "others' are watching and waiting. NACHI can stop them from responding, but they cannot stop them from using your incriminating posts in future actions against you.

I think you are stretching to the first nations are being belittled I see little wrong with it .
I also still did not see your reply to all the remarks Made by Bill and Dave.
It is a two way street I just Hope some one tries to use what has been said on the NACHI BB.
I will stand up to those DEMMI Gods and their rights attitude in any court in the land .
They tell filthy lies in a place where I and others have no chance to defend our selves .
This has been unwarranted and cruel.
You Know that Bills Canuk Forum is malicious and filthy dirty with all their despairing remarks .
Your continuing ignoring those remarks tells me you condone them .
To come here and chastise us and ignore others is far from fair and proper in my opinion.

Roy Cooke Sr.

Originally Posted By: clawrenson
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I am not making threats. I’m simply passing on a message from others including those from first nations.

Secondly, I am not here to defend or excuse similar types of posts on any forum, be it Canuck, or any other. Just because something is posted does not mean I am naive enough to take or accept it a face value, and likewise the same applies here.

Hopefully we can at least agree that the rhetoric regardless of source is unprofessional and does not add any value to resolve issues. I still contend the old saying by my parents - if you have nothing nice to say keep it to yourself, and work on how to correct it. The continuing negative comments are based on past history. Sorry but its hard to change past history regardless of ones view on it. But can we not at least move forward in a positive light? Or try do something in a positive manner to at least to try to correct it? Instead your continuous plight to cast negative comments is read by others, and likely leads back to those statements by a few to even up the odds. When is enough - enough?

Sorry - but lets get back to the topic of this discussion.

Ontario Home Inspections Inc.

Originally Posted By: rwand1
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First Nations are big enough to deal with the problem, if indeed they have a problem; tell them to look after it themselves. They are far from professional themselves!

They can email me if they wish to discuss the matter.

Raymond Wand
Alton, ON
The value of experience is not in seeing much,
but in seeing wisely. - Sir William Osler 1905
NACHI Member
Registered Home Inspector (OAHI)

Originally Posted By: rcooke
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

clawrenson wrote:
I am not making threats. I'm simply passing on a message from others including those from first nations.

Hopefully we can at least agree that the rhetoric regardless of source is unprofessional and does not add any value to resolve issues. I still contend the old saying by my parents - if you have nothing nice to say keep it to yourself, and work on how to correct it. The continuing negative comments are based on past history. Sorry but its hard to change past history regardless of ones view on it.
Sorry - but lets get back to the topic of this discussion.

If you have been in touch with first Nations can you find out why they do not respond to e-mail and regular mail?

I have tried to let the past stay in the past.
unfortunately Dave Bottoms and Bill Mullen continue to degrade NACHI
and allow others to do the same on their forum
I feel it is my rite to try and defend myself from their Malicious selfish attacks.
They have again proven they do not want to put the past away.
Sorry it looks to me like Claude is trying to make Claude look good.
You have more then once chastised me and others on this BB .
It would be so nice if you would do the same on the other lists to the provocateurs who continue to show their destain for NACHI and Ray and Roy.
Bill does not mind using people he wanted his Insurance questions posted on NACHI.
I posted it and as per usual Bill does not give any credit.

Join NACHI be Happy.Where the truth is told.
. I and others have found it's great.

Roy Cooke Sr.

Originally Posted By: clawrenson
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why did I think this discussion was about reference to CHI?

was I sadly mistaken?

now it turns to mocking and defaming first nations people,

than let’s not forget your comments about referencing Bill to a first nations chief, sure that was appreciated, even if it seemed like innocent fun to some,

than it turns to mocking other associations,

than it makes accusations and alleges improprieties about FN associations,

how is your commentary any different - than what you accuse others with?

hmm…Nick and NACHI back to you - I want no part of this!

Ontario Home Inspections Inc.

Originally Posted By: rcooke
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clawrenson wrote:
why did I think this discussion was about reference to CHI?
was I sadly mistaken?
now it turns to mocking and defaming first nations people,
than let's not forget your comments about referencing Bill to a first nations chief, sure that was appreciated, even if it seemed like innocent fun to some,
than it turns to mocking other associations,
than it makes accusations and alleges improprieties about FN associations,
how is your commentary any different - than what you accuse others with?
hmm....Nick and NACHI back to you - I want no part of this!

Shame on you Claude. You see it different then I do .
I guess the truth bothers you . Look out for Bill and Claude .
They want to be the big cheese and run the whole show.
I have Indian blood in my back ground why would I chastise my family.
Typical turn it around so you are the good guy and the rest are bad .
You make statements I ask a question from your statements .
You do not answer.
How is defending one self mocking other associations.
You will find more information about NACHI tonight on Bills Forum .
The spies have been looking to get information to again as you say mocking .
Only you know it is NACHI that continues to be belittled.
Claude says" I want no part in this!"
I guess he will go and hide behind Bills Silent curtain

Roy Cooke Sr.

Originally Posted By: lewens
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For God’s sake Claude, get off your high horse and come down to earth. Is it ok for Bill to threaten the existance of Nachi in Canada?

Just my usual 12.5 cents

From The Great White North Eh?

Originally Posted By: rwand1
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why did I think this discussion was about reference to CHI?
was I sadly mistaken?
now it turns to mocking and defaming first nations people,
than let's not forget your comments about referencing Bill to a first nations chief, sure that was appreciated, even if it seemed like innocent fun to some,
than it turns to mocking other associations,
than it makes accusations and alleges improprieties about FN associations,
how is your commentary any different - than what you accuse others with?
hmm....Nick and NACHI back to you - I want no part of this!

Lets get this straight and for the record. First Nations lack of a response is pathetic! I side with Roy, I had similar problems with them. No response to emails, telephone queries, applications. When I finally got through to them they knew nothing or were playing dumb. Who has influenced whom? It seems they have no respect for CAHPI either based on some comments made by the individual I spoke with! The comments about igloos and teepees was made in jest, you played the racial card.

Again considering what Mullens has stated privately repeatedly and what that other half a$% dim wit has stated you certainly seem to choose which side of the fence to sit on. The president of CAHPI, Mullens and Bottoms and anyone else can stick thier professionalism in their ear. If you or anyone doesn't like the comment tell your friggin lawyer to call me, I'll give him all the dirty details, and that includes the Liberal Cabinet Minister too. Some of your cohorts are so corrupt with power they think they can do as they please. I have all the letters from Mullens, Bottoms, Guihan and others and it certainly puts them in a bad light big time. Now lets dance shall we.

Raymond Wand
Alton, ON
The value of experience is not in seeing much,
but in seeing wisely. - Sir William Osler 1905
NACHI Member
Registered Home Inspector (OAHI)

Originally Posted By: clawrenson
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From: "Gerry Quackenbush" <>

I am very upset & offended by his ignorant & derogatory remarks regarding First Nations people made on the NACHI forum.
Unfortunately NACHI has closed it's forum to public postings & I cannot reply. I hope he shows up at the Falls so I can meet with him personally.

He has taken a major step across a very dangerous line. I think he needs a little lesson in etiquette. ..

...maybe we could team up with First Nations Building Officials Association (FNNBOA) so we could all be certified to inspect Tee Pees and Igloos too. Wow I can see it now....

Raymond Wand

First Nations are big enough to deal with the problem, if indeed they have a problem; tell them to look after it themselves. They are far from professional themselves!

They can email me if they wish to discuss the matter.

Raymond Wand

Gerry Quackenbush
First Nations Band #1230107401

Their watching, and its not your back! They are reading you face to face. Your words speak for themselves.
BTW: Not like some people - I have permission to post this. There is more where this comes from. The "evidence" is piling up! So please feel free to carry on if you must. This is not about race - but its about the disrespect shown through words.

Your issue with FNNBOA and your email is between you and FNNBOA, not me. Perhaps they are already on to you. They can easily access this forum too!

BTW: Larry is Nick's dominance threat any different? Hope you enjoyed your response from CMHC. Seems "we" should all be on the same page now! So lets agree to constructively move on.

Ontario Home Inspections Inc.

Originally Posted By: rcooke
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rcooke wrote:

You will find more information about NACHI tonight on Bills Forum .
The spies have been looking to get information to again as you say mocking .
Only you know it is NACHI that continues to be belittled.
Claude says" I want no part in this!"
I guess he will go and hide behind Bills Silent curtain

Here is one of Gerry Quackenbush earlier post's.
You can see he is fair and unbiased about NACHI.
I guess he comes to NACHI to get the truth that is not given on any of the Canadian Boards.

"Obviously the bull$hit is really deep here.

All we want to know is how many members there are. We are yet to get a straight answer from anybody.

I have never paid any dues and never will.

The realtors up here are are starting to realize that the term “certified” means squat when this is the only organization an inspector is affiliated with. NACHI is quickly earning a reputation as a farce in Canada. "

Strange how NACHI continues to grow while ASHI /NORTH does not.

Yes I new Gerry was here and would post on tonights Secret forum see above.
You can say all you want but at least NACHI is up front and fair.
Not a bunch of hide and belittle those who speak the truth .
I and others have no chance to defend our selves from those who hide behind Bills curtain .
At least we can speak our mind and allow others to do it too.
You all can say what you want behind our back and have your little laughs.
Have your fun it is too bad you can not see the truth.
Gerry are you like Dave B and had your Associate membership extended to 7 years
because you could not complete your 100 inspections in two years.

Again Claude you do not give any answers.
If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem.

Roy Cooke Sr.

Originally Posted By: John Bowman
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Originally Posted By: clawrenson
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thanks John - I respect that!

Ontario Home Inspections Inc.