Originally Posted By: ccrooker This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
O.k. we all know of lab’s to get test done, but what is the best price and service for asbestos and mould testing that you have found for Canada/Ontario.
Originally Posted By: aspisak This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
For asbestos I usually suggest they contact Pinchin Environmental 1-888-767-3330 or Steve Campbell at Trow Consulting 905-664-3300. Costs are less if you or the client bring in the samples. $75 to $100 for testing and add $75/hr if you want them to come out and obtain samples.
For mould I suggest Air Aware. Ed is available at 1-888-409-8450. Depending on city and number of tests I suggest a ball park of $500
Remember these companies only perform testing, they do not do the remediation.
Also unless you are involved in environmental science or engineering it is best to always tell the clients you are not sure of the substance and recommend professional testing by others.