We have an asphalt shingle expert coming. He’ll be here tomorrow. Anything you want to know, any questions you want answered, e-mail them to me at kenton@nachi.tv and I’ll do my best to get them answered.
This guy is a forensics expert when it comes to wind and hail damage. He can identify manufacturing defects, thermal cracking, intentional and unintentional mechanical damage. He can tell you if a hail hit is 3 months old or three years old and what size it was. He’s the training expert for one of the top ten insurance companies in the U.S. He trains claims adjusters.
After he’s gone, we’ll be moving on to a forensic roof consultant who has also been training claims adjusters for many years and he’ll be looking over material we plan to use for some courses which are now in development. This guy is an expert on all roof-covering material types, including commercial roof systems. We are focused on residential for this one.
If your question is answerable, one of these guys knows the answer. We looked for the top people in the U.S. for this.
You can send photos, too.