Originally Posted By: kmcmahon This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hard to tell, but it appears that when the roofing was replaced possibly recently, that the roof vents were removed and a ridge vent was installed in lieu of them. Real shoddy work.
If this was the home that was only 7 years old, I wouldn’t have a clue as to why they did it.
Originally Posted By: jsieg This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Here in MI I have seen roofers pull the old vents off and just tarpaper & shingle over the old vent holes… I have also seen them put on the new ridge vent without opening the ridge for the vent to work.
Never, Never, Never walk a roof until you inspect the attic first.
Print yourself some copies of these photos to show clients why you will not walk a roof if you can not gain access to the attic first.
Inspect from the ladder at the roofs' edge but don't go on the roof.
Originally Posted By: Jay Moge This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
hey earl. looks like a lot of work was done from the inside and in a hurry. could it be a rush job to close the roof and sell the house before the cold east coast winter kicks in. i know you’re in Va, but i was stationed there for 3 years and i know that the wind can freeze a wad of spit before it hits the peir outside the carrier i was on. just a thought as to why it’s so half a$$ looking.