Is anyone participating with offering the Arizona Disclosure report? EDR is pushing right now very hard to get this service offered through home inspectors. Could be an extra service $$-amount per inspection in your pocket. Even so it is right now not mandotory like in CA. But there is going to be a lot of noise about it shortly.
The $10 Million required in insurance kinda turns me off…
That’s what EDR as the Information Source has to carry, not the inspector.
Just another Mc Home Inspection franchise trying to scare the public to seperate them from their money IMO.
eh, thats what I get for skimming I guess…
Well for $12.00 maybe I’ll scare up some bidness.
Guys don’t jump on this yet I went to the Certification class yesterday and there are some bug’s with it that need worked out. I will not comment on them right now because I am giving them time to respond to my complaints about poor customer support. Also I did my Realtor meetings today and where it is not required they are not to interested in it at this time. I also have my Connections with the PAR and
Legistaters checking on how this got past the Realtor radar. I will give you all an up date when more is available.
NACHI as usual is late on this ASHI and NAHI were involved with Helping this get in here. I keep telling you all you have to start getting involved with local politics so you can give information in a timely fashion to the local NACHI guys. The bill is in affect starting tommar ow you guys are all late to have a show of hands…
I scanned the Bill I hope It shows up.
Nick your Neighborhood would not meet the standards of this Bill. So it would be of no use to our AZ. Guys.
Thanks Brian.
OK guys here is the scoop I just got off the phone with EDR and they have worked out the bugs I complained about. I did my first test reports with them and I can tell it will be a real fun time presenting them to a home buyer. The fact is I tried 2 address’s 1 in Central Phoenix and one in Central Scottsdale, There were several SuperFund sites,Waist sites, Leaking tanks etc… in both locations. The problem I see at this time will be that we would be the bearers of bad news to the Home Buyer, I see these reports being hard to keep from killing deals. There are more waist sites etc… in the Phoenix area than most people want to know about ( any long time residents will know what I am talking about) I see that an area like Scottsdale could loose property value in time as these reports come to light. I am going to only offer them to someone who asks for one They could cause some long term property losses to people in High property value areas (Scottsdale North Phoenix, Chandler, and out lying areas) In AZ. in the 1950’s to 1980’s there were a lot of bad dump sites, Mining operations, Feeder pens etc…) that now show up as hazard sites that were developed on.
Just my Rambling thoughts all AZ home Inspectors will need to see if they want to buy in to this. The Realtors could still dump on this at this point.
The ones that will be pissed off the most are the land developers and Builders that will be caught up in defending the properties they put on these waste lands.
Thank you very much Michael. I appreciate the information.
It is all public information???
Lots of the contamination is TCE or vapor degreaser. I guess I should be worried as I can rember large heated tanks full of the stuff
Yes Brian it is public information. But as it stands right now Land developers, Builders, Realtors etc… have A nice little set of documents in Legalese that they hand to a home buyer at closing and say sign here and initial here and keep flipping pages. so all of these things are known but not openly talked about. And you should know we are talking of a lot more than TCE tanks.
There are million dollar developments built on top of old turn of the century mining operations, There are also dump sites that were not legal dump sites all over north Phoenix and Scottsdale and all of the out lying comunities.
I am concerned about property values for in the future. This affects all of us living here that own property.
Time to go to work and stop rantting.