Basement Window

Originally Posted By: jtedesco
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Basement Window

This picture shows where all of the feeders run through a window to each panelboard in the apartments.

My question relates to the use of the window for this purpose. Is this acceptable according to any rules?


Joe Tedesco, NEC Consultant

Originally Posted By: jpeck
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I would suspect that would depend on how many other windows (if any) allowing daylight down into the basement.

There is no question that is not a proper use of the window, but this may get down to wording.

"Proper use of the window.", meaning "Can the window be used for this purpose?"


"Proper use of the window.", meaning "If this window is going to be used for this purpose, it needs to be done in the proper manner, i.e., the window needs to be blocked in and sealed, with conduit chases through the wall (now it's a wall) and those chases need to be sealed around and have the ends sealed."

Jerry Peck
South Florida

Originally Posted By: rking
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

If that is the way the wiring is done throughout, and all the wiring serves apartments then I would sugest that the fire separations have been breached and they would be in violation of a few areas of the Fire Code.

It also looks like that is an exterior application. If that is the case the wires would be NMW right?

Impossible to come up with a definitive answer without knowing the whole picture and having more details.

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