Basics of Infrared Thermography and Home Inspections with Infrared Training Center's Bill Schwahn - Free Home Inspector Webinar - InterNACHI®

Webinars / Recordings / Basics of Infrared Thermography and Home Inspections with Infrared Training Center's Bill Schwahn

Basics of Infrared Thermography and Home Inspections with Infrared Training Center's Bill Schwahn

This presentation will provide infrared and visual images of different applications specific to the home inspection industry. How the home inspector can best use Infrared Thermal Imaging technology to enhance their services (and fee schedule).



Originally broadcast on Jun 1, 2020

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

If your not interested in progressing to level II or III, get with ITC and request the Building Science course be scheduled. They are doing small online courses “live” (next best thing to being in the class). It covers Lvl I (compressed in short time) but focusing on the building part of thermal imaging.

Bill covered a lot of stuff in this 1hr presentation that you will not pick up on here. It takes 4 days to cover all he talked about in this 1 hour! He knows his stuff. After all he was a building/home inspector…

As he said here, you need to know what your pointing the camera at or your blind to what is going on in your scans.

How do we view this course now.
David Anderson35