Here is what I know about John McKenna.
He called me and asked him to collaberate on a thermal class. He said he would do the 2nd part and asked me to do the first part (the science and thermodynamics part). He told me that we could both make money teaching it around the country, that he would take the south and I could take the north.
When I finished my part, He took it and started teaching it. He put off sending me his part, even as I asked him for it for a couple of months. When he finally did, it was really not that good. Very simple ‘everything that is cold is wet’ kind of stuff. Pretty pictures, but vert low resolution.
OK, fine. He had the drive and I did not.
THEN. to took it to NACHI TV and did his course there, as part of the IR Certified program, in its early stages.
The on-line class was really not that good, and worst of all (from a teaching POV) it was boring. John was not a good teacher.
In 2009, Ben Gromiko asked me to do an on-line class, the existing Thermal Imaging and Building Science course now used for CE. The new course, which I am going to Boulder to tape next week, is completely new, will have much higher production values and will have the benefit of my finishing Lvl II and Lvl III training in the middle.
For the record, I got paid by NACHI for that 2009 class. I also presented it at conventions (for CE credit) in Indiana, Wisconsin and Ohio for which I received NO pay except that they paid for my motel room and bought me lunch both days (each was a two day class. I have also presented a thermal imaging, water intrusion class at Infraspection, as well as multiple CE qualified courses for our Chicagoland NACHI Chapter. I was not paid for any of those. There is an old saw, very relevant around here (mostly applying to old ASHI guys), that old inspectors to not die, they just start teaching CE. I do not want to fall into that role too badly, but if I do, I will do my darndest to make sure that people get what they pay for.
I guess that Ben wants to upgrade the NACHI education, and the IR Cert, making it more professional.
Any time someone wants to do a better job or improve an existing one, I am all for it.