The manual that came with your device describes a great deal of the product’s features and settings.
It looks like they are just stock photos to show thermal imaging. 11 different websites are using the one, including Nachi.
hi thanks for reply yes these r from internachi gallery , just wanted someone to explain and educate me
It all depends on what the breakers hooked up to.
However I agree with Dominic
Kulraj, taking some Infrared classes would be very beneficial.
thanks for reply , pls do tell me if i am right my interpretation
max temp in the square is 122.2
min temp in the square is 81.4
both below 140
Q is is 167.0 normal here or too much
my whole Q can be wrong but i would be glad if someone can throw some light on it
yes sir , i am just trying to learn about infrared and temperature/temperature limits in main electrical panel regarding standard circuits , afci and gfci
There are so many variables to be able to consider when you scan the panel. Is The appliance on at the time of the Inspection.
It takes many years scanning homes and panels to be able to determine the proper temperature or anomaly you’re looking at .
If you’re near me. You can follow long As we do our IR scan of a Residence. It’s not all that complicated. But. But there’s a few things you need to know.
We’ll try to see if my IR mentor we’ll comment on this post…
Mr. David Anderson is the best
I have 3 suggestions for you. If you want to understand and use this valuable tool.
- training 2. training 3. training
Yes they all work but experience is the best trainer.
I truly wish I Kept an image library from my ir scans Throughout these years… Moisture stains usually look like a protozoan . Leaky airduct looks wispy.
Does that make sense to anyone?
Please excuse the typos on my cell phone
Drinking too much?
Me’thinks you mean “wispy”??
Thank you for correcting me.
My pleasure!!
Don’t be to sweet to me.
The only limits you would have would be max temperature data set by the manufacturer. Concerning conductors, the max insulation rating for that conductor is the top limit. But you don’t know these things, do you? So for a Home Inspector, there are no limit temperatures you would concern yourself with.
Now comes the real fun part. Are the temps displayed properly corrected, or are they “apparent temperatures”?
To make these camera correction adjustments you must:
Determine emissivity of the target.
Determine temperature reflect.
Determine Distance.
Determine Ambient temperature.
And Humidity.
Then… you have to determine:
The amperage load currently on the device.
Determine true voltage.
Determine if the load is an inductive or resistance load.
Determine the device amperage rating.
Then you need to calculate a large algebraic equation to determine the “Apparent Temperature Rise” which will occur at FLA, then determine if it exceeds the devices “Limit”.
Now you must consider if this target (spot measurement location) is a “direct” or “indirect” measurement? You may measure a breaker at 200 degrees F, but the arc causing this temperature could be 1,700 degrees F where breaker attaches to the buss.
BTW: When you defer stuff like this to an electrician for further evaluation, the electrician can not do all of the above, so that’s your job, you have the camera. And part of of that job is to also analyze the scan and determine the cause/defect so you can tell the electrician what to fix/change.
What does a loose connection look like?
What does an overloaded circuit look like?
What does out of phase look like?
What does a failing component look like?
What does a parallel circuit defect look like?
No problem, right?!
Now you have to start all over again for any other target in the same scan.
Q: Is the right bus in trouble?
It is a point of interest.
We still don’t know the amperage (and all the other stuff I listed) to make any determination one way or the other.
It is elevated in comparison to the other breaker leg. But we don’t know if there is the same load on L1 and L2. Insufficient information/consideration.
The thing with elevated heat on a connection is resistance goes up. Resistance increases temperature. Higher temperature causes greater resistance. And away it goes. This process is not linear, so we have no idea if or when it may fail.
Thermal Imaging camera settings can make a mouse fart look like a nuclear explosion. It’s your job to “Normalize” what the imager is measuring. Thus training is required…