I am wondering if any of you have any commnets on becoming a WETT (wood energy transfer technology) certified inspector. How much does it cost and is there enough work to justify it. I direct this to those living in the colder climates of course. I have been approached by a few insurance agents asking if I have the certification. I recall looking into it before and seem to remember it was expensive and difficult to achieve.
Totally depends on your location. There are 2 or 3 inspectors in my area that have Wett certificates. As for my I find it hard to justify the cost of the courses and keeping your certificate. If I come across a wood burning fireplace or stove I recommend that it be cleaned and swept by a Wett certified sweep. Just not alot of call for it here down in the Nothern banana belt. Then again, I know of other inspectors up north that pretty much have to have it in order to compete.
Thanks for you input.
I wonder if spending 1000.00 on the courses and not getting fully certified until I complete 60 inspections in no less then 80 weeks is practical. My Amerispec competition is certified but I am not worrying about that. I just thought it might be a good ancillerary service for this cold saskatchewan climate. Inspections are slow so I thought this certification might help me to get a few more inspections as well.
'Round here, everyone and their uncle heat with wood. Being WETT certified would be a benefit up here. I had a call to go to Parry Sound just to do a WETT inspection. Turned it down, too far for too little.
You only need WETT if you want to do inspections for insurers or for home insurance reasons. There is nothing stopping you from calling out issues with wood burning appliances if you do not want to become WETT certified, just don’t expect the insurers to accept your recommendations for insurance purposes. And when in doubt about a set up refer to a WETT tech.
Be careful!! There’s a lot more than meets the eye in good wood heating appliance inspections.
For example, there’s a particular item I see with the masonry hearth-wood framed wall “thimble” or “pass through” to an exterior masonry chimney. Although I cannot see through or in the wall, I’ve called this unseen item probably more than 10-15 times in my career. The true determination of the fault requires breaking into the masonry hearth and wood wall. I tell people that if they break into the wall and find that it meets code requirements, I will pay for all their costs…I have yet to pay a cent!!!
Brian MacNeish
Master System Advisor
WETT #572
Who are the people who are suppose to open the wall? The home owner? The WETT tech, or the insurance appraiser? How many remain unopened?
Have seen lots of wood appliances that don’t meet combustible clearances and have also seen lots of so called Wett Inspections of chimneys where the WETT tech came in and okayed the chimney not having swept it.
So its like everything else I suppose, good and the bad and the ugly.
A WETT tech should be called in by the vendor to check the call. If not, I recommend the buyers get an allowance of $800-$1,000 as a “cashback” at closing so they can get the hazard changed to a safe installation by a WETT tech.
If no one opens the wall and there is a fire, then my a$$ is covered…all part of my internal CMA (cover my a$$) policy.
If in doubt I usually state “further investigation by qualified tech, prior to close of title.” That way the vendor is responsible for any noted concerns at their cost and not the purchaser.
For me that the best way to go,I don’t spent much time on wood appliance,insurance will require that a wett cert. do the inspection anyway.
I did the WETT courses and decided not to write the final exam .
To me is was just an added liability I did not want or need .
Regardless they still need to be cleaned so I just pass this on the the person who they get to service the appliance.
We have a couple of home Inspectors ( ex NACHI Members ) who give free WETT inspection with the home inspection.
They also Charge less then we do .
It has not hurt me business so it is obvious they must be desperate for work to do WETT inspections for free.
I am surprised that WETT allows those who never work or install wood appliances to do WETT inspections .
This of course takes work away from those who work on wood burning appliances.
This is the website for WETT for those of you that are interested.
Look into Eco Energy $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ busy as heck
Thanks Everyone, good food for thought. It is great to have professionals like yourselves that I can bounce these things off. I will give more thought and research before I do anything.
What is that.
Our Feds have implemented an Eco Energy program designed to assits home owners in upgrading old furnaces, DWH, insulation windows etc.
We do an evaluation of the home’s equipment, windows insulation etc and conduct a Blower Door test to determine the air tightness of a home.
We prepare a report to the home owner making suggestions for improvements and upgrades.
The home owner has 18 months to make any upgrades they wish and a second inspection is conducted when they are done.
The feds and pay the home owners a grant based on what they do (up to $5,000) and our province matches the federal grant.
The evaluators are required to take a 24 hour training workshop, do 7 test evaluations then write an exam (on line). Then you get certified to do the evaluations.
Cost to the home owner is approx $300 for first test and $150. for second test. Province subsidizes half of the first test.
Very busy right now, winter comming ya know
wow. Neat
Hi Doug,
and you can register and or take these workshops where?
The Feds have license agreements with several service providers, one of which is Amerispec.
I have a working relationship with the local Amerispec owner and I got the training through them.
Obviously I do Eco evaluations under the Amerispec name.
You might want to check out www.ecoaction.gc.ca for further info.
Maybe you can connect with a licensee
Has this program been extended? Last I heard it was going to be cancelled. I actually attended an energy audit last year I thought it was a good experience.