Bigger is better?

Originally Posted By: jpope
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eusa_think.gif hmmm. I can’t get this #6 wire to fit this 20 amp breaker. . .

Let's trim it, that's the ticket!!

Jeff Pope
JPI Home Inspection Service
"At JPI, we'll help you look better"
(661) 212-0738

Originally Posted By: rfarruggia
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I cant tell you how often I see this.

This is dangerous because when trimming the wire, the electrician may cut through the soft aluminum wiring and injure his finger.

Don’t these electricians know that the proper installation of a line into an undersized breaker requires either a) 3 whacks from a 3 pound sledge (4 whacks for copper wiring) or b) half a roll of duct tape.

If we could only get some proper taining out there, our jobs would be so much easier.

Originally Posted By: tallen
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I have put the past behind me,

where , however, it now sits, making rude remarks.

30 Oct 2003-- 29 Nov2005

Originally Posted By: dbozek
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Ummm…how do you know a real live lectrician did that? Could have been Mr. Homeowner or that shade tree lectrician that lives across the street from all of us. That comment kind of bugged me a bit if you cannot tell icon_lol.gif Thank god for apprenticeship training before becoming a full pledged journeyman. Chances are if a properly trained, state licensed journeyman came across that 20 amp breaker, he/she would fix it the right way. Is that the kind of training you are hoping to see out there? Besides, if it weren’t for such shoddy wiring…you would have too much time on your hands icon_lol.gif

Originally Posted By: tallen
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I did not say an electrician did this. I would say someone posing as an electrician did it. I have seen worse.

The picture you see in my post recieved a green tag!!!!

I have put the past behind me,
where , however, it now sits, making rude remarks.

30 Oct 2003-- 29 Nov2005

Originally Posted By: dbozek
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Sorry Todd wasnt talking about you…it was the comment that Raymond made.

Originally Posted By: tallen
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I have put the past behind me,

where , however, it now sits, making rude remarks.

30 Oct 2003-- 29 Nov2005