Brand new roofing repair and having to call it out for a defect

I inspected this home this week and I am having to call out some of the repairs as defect. In this case I am calling out counter flashing not installed correctly at the very least. Let me know if you think any different but I would not be happy with this job. I am wondering how often this happen because this repair was done last year December.

2015-07-09 21.03.08 2015-07-09 21.06.10 2015-07-09 21.06.39 .

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That IS counter flashing

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counter flashing going into the siding?

Your original post stated that counter flashing was “missing” but you changed it to “not installed correctly”

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I did, I saw my mistake trying to write this in a hurry.

Can you explain what you think is incorrect?

@spayson pretty much nailed it on this one!

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Not the best work but yes it’s typical work in today’s unskilled labor force

Are those pictures from July 2015? Or today’s inspection?

We don’t often see concrete roof covering in Knoxville.

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Canon has released a new line of super advanced cameras with time travel feature. It allows you to dial in and capture photos of the past.

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Or he did not set the date on his camera.

This doesn’t look like Knoxville to me.
The debris stuck in the nooks around the chimney looks to me like spanish moss and oak leaves. I’m not 100% certain of that. But Spanish moss is a South East coastal type of plant. You don’t see it until you get south of Atlanta or coastal Carolinas. You are more likely to see that concrete roofing down in Florida.

Spanish Moss

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Good observation, detective Bert! Looks much like my Live Oaks.

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Just couriouse? What made you think this (post) roof was from Knoxville TN. It took me some time (because no signature line for the OP) but I found that the OP is in “Ocala”, which is as you suspected, in Florida.

***Pet Peeve: not sure why people (including inspectors) doing business these days, especially where they have a Website or Web Presence do not list the State along with the city when doing any type of advertising. Ocala, (Spanish) I was thinking could have been in Texas or even CA… No where on the OPs website (that I could easily find) said what State he was offering inspections).

Larry, not to mention the free organic SEO that anyone on the forum can get by filling out their signature. It will help anyone trying to answer your question by knowing where you are located. The information will appear below every post that you make and here is how:

SIGNATURE: Click on your face in the upper right hand corner of this page. Then click on your name to the left of the bell. Then click on preferences. Then click on profile and scroll down to signature and fill out the information that you want to appear under every post that you make. AND LAST, scroll to the bottom of the page and click SAVE CHANGES.

I thought this was posted by Joshua Whitney from Powell TN (Knoxville TN). I guess there is more than one Joshua Whitney Home Inspector that posts on here about crazy roofs. My Bad.