Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Here’s my thoughts:
1. I would ask my client up front if they want a security evaluation.
2. I would tell them that I get $15 from Brinks whether they use them or not.
3. I would make sure my client knows that I don't inspect alarm systems, etc.
At our Houston Chapter meeting I met several home inspectors that work with Brinks. Now of course the inspector likes it because he gets $15 on every inspection, but the consumers like it too. I think for 6 reasons:
1. Brinks doesn't sell them anything. The guy that shows up from Brinks only does the evaluation. He doesn't sell.
2. Most consumers think that $15 is very nominal.
3. Many consumers want the free security evaluation.
4. Many consumers are surprised to discover that home inspectors don't check alarm systems.
5. Many consumers want what Brinks sells, otherwise Brinks wouldn't do this. I know as a former REALTOR, most new home buyers want alarm systems.
6. The inspector's fee is the same whether the customer buys or not, it's not a sales commission.
Where's Joe Farsetta? Didn't we do this once before?
PS. No, NACHI nor I get anything $ for this. I just used to sell homes in an area where everyone had alarm systems (Main Line of PA).
Originally Posted By: dvalley This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I’m doing this now.
I receive a commission whether my clients purchase Brinks or not. When my Home Inspection is complete and I'm going over the report with my client, I finalize the inspection by presenting them with a BRINKS brochure and informing them that Brinks is offering a "FREE" installation of a home security system and a $50.00 TARGET gift card. It takes me less than a minute to make my commission.
I?ve been doing this for over a year and it adds up.
Originally Posted By: sspradling This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Should we also offer out referrals for replacement window, vinyl siding, gutter helmets, lawn service, accent lighting, fencing contractors, handyman repair people, electrical contractors, brick masons, concrete flatwork or mudjacking contractors, foundation recovery companies, etc,? My opinion is that offering before being asked makes us look cheap and unprofessional. We all know several companies in “the trades”. I approach referrals like this: If a client asks for testing I don’t provide, I tell them that I know company A and company B and company X, Y and Z. Then I ask them to choose one and I’ll set the appointment up for them, if that’s what they want, or I’ll give them phone #'s and let them do it. Same for all the examples above. But I don’t take kickbacks, referral fees or tips from any of them, nor do I hand them out when they come my way. I’ve been offered, my decision is to decline. My two cents.
Originally Posted By: dfrend This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Stuart, some valid points, but I have to disagree. First, the trades you listed are things that are checked under the scope of our inspections. Of course you wouldn’t have an electrician come out and check the electrical service that you should be doing. But alarms are not part of the scope.
I know in this area, there are lot's of places with relatively high crime and alarms are VERY common. Now if you were buying a home in a lower middle class area with high burglary rates, and the alarm was important to you, would you want to make sure what is there works before buying the place? And if the place had none and you got a free one and a cool gift certificate, wouldn't that be a valuable service to you. I'd say at least %75 of the homes I do, especially in lower value neighborhoods, have alarm systems. Clients have asked me quite a few times why I did not check the alarm system.
I also see this as being similar to my having the pest company I have come out. I am not licensed to do it, so I call somebody who is. I charge my client a slightly higher fee than what he charges me(to cover my time and administrative costs). While the $15 referal fee is not the same as me charging to have them come out, it is a FREE service for the client. Just like with my pest guy, they CAN chose someone else to do that inspection if they want.
Originally Posted By: gjohnson This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I have to agree with Dan. In our areas that we work. There are numerous high crime areas. If they dont’ have an alarm it is always good to sort of just mention it. Plus I don’t know about other areas, but in MD most insurance companies give pretty decent discounts for homes with security systems.
Originally Posted By: sspradling This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Daniel, this is difference in the way we conduct our business, that’s all. When my client asks me to set up a pest inspection, it takes me maybe 2 minutes to make a phone call, maybe 4 minutes if the first company is unable to make it at the same time I’m there. I don’t upcharge his fee, I don’t collect his fee, I don’t pay him, I don’t even see his report half the time. The pest inspectors and I cross paths during our inspections, so if he finds anything, he tells me and shows me. As to the alarms, 9 times out of 10, the installing company leaves their name all over the system, the windows the yard, mailbox post and anything else that sits still long enough to put a sticker on it. If a home does not have a system, and if my client asks me, I will advise them based on my knowledge and experience, not because I’m pimping for someone else.
Originally Posted By: dfrend This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I don’t think making money is “pimping” for anyone. I am a business man just like everyone else. I have several high quality companies I use for pest, radon, etc. I do this not because I want to be “pimped” by them, but because I feel it is a service to my customers. Clients want one stop shopping. We live in a fast food environment.
I fully disclose that I do not actually do the separate inspections, of course release my liability in my contract, make every effort to use only qualifed services, and I set everything up. I charge ten dollars above what my pest guy charges me. With making two or three phone calls with him, spending the few minutes to write a check at end of month, and other costs of maintaining a business relationship this ten bucks is not unreasonable.
This is a service you are offering. Look around at other companies and their services. I bought a satelite tv system a while ago. I got it from Circuit City and it was Direct TV. I paid for instalation. The guy that installed it was an independant contractor. His truck had a direct tv logo, but he did other jobs besides direct TV's too. he ,like me, was a business man who got offered extra money from a company for offering a service.
I do not, and never will, do anything that I believe is not in my clients bests interests. I strive to give them the best service for their buck. If I see an opportunity to help them and add a service I can MARKET to make money, it is to me a wise business choice.
BTW, I do not participate in the Brinks program, but I do not think it is wrong.
Originally Posted By: Michael Cope This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi everybody. Thought I would introduce myself here. My name is Mike Cope. I am the Senior Manager of National Inspections at Brink’s Home Security. Brink’s Home Security has established relationships with home inspection companies to provide an additional service to their homebuyers. Due to the variety of security systems with different operating procedures and equipment, home inspection companies do not inspect the alarm systems for their homebuyer. For that reason, Brink?s has developed its home inspection program. Our program adds additional value to your home inspection.
To help with any other questions, Brink?s Home Security has put together an information packet. Please let us know if you would like an information packet, or feel free to call or email with any questions.
Michael Cope
Brink's Home Security
800-884-8682 ext 13632
-- Mike Cope
Brink's Home Security
Ext 13632
Originally Posted By: sspradling This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Blaine, I’m not aware that there are many things I do that could have the appearance of being unethical. Can you give me examples? I build my reputation on ethics, on extra-step service, on doing what I can to help my client. My inspection fee is ample compensation for the time I put into each job. I don’t feel the client’s best interest is being looked after if I was to charge them for every little piece of information or help. You’re right about free not feeding the kids. But neither does nickle and diming a client, So keep on doing what you’re comfortable with doing, I’m not your judge. I wish you success and safety.
Originally Posted By: jmyers This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hey Will,
I can top that. I got Mr. 9, Mr. 10 and Mr. 12.
That of course is assuming they can get past a maze of toys, 5 kids and 2 adults without tripping and killing themselves! 
Originally Posted By: janderson This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I enrolled in the program with Brinks on Wednesday March 31st. The Minneapolis branch general manager was kind enough to meet with me in person and take care of everything so I could offer this service to a client I had booked for that Friday. Great program
– Within the seeds of ignorance lie the fruits of denial