Originally Posted By: roconnor This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Mark Anderson wrote:
imo sump pumps do not-cannot relieve hydrostatic pressure which exists on the outside of Bsmt walls.
We do indeed disagree.
The concept is called "drawdown", where ya can pump quicker that water can seep through the pores of the soil. Also done all the time for dewatering excavations, and for high groundwater they use what are called "wellpoints". Doesn't work good or may not be practical in residential applications for significant water heights or soils with a high porosity ... 
-- Robert O'Connor, PE
Eagle Engineering ?
Eagle Eye Inspections ?
NACHI Education Committee
I am absolutely amazed sometimes by how much thought goes into doing things wrong
Originally Posted By: jwortham This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Nothing harmful at all in that.
Of course, you could just be posting to stir the pot and try and get a reaction.
Since we are a home inspectors website and not a concrete contractors or a foundation specialist site, your "efforts" to educate the consumer are probably in the wrong place.
Since foundation leaks are only part of what we do, perhaps you would be better served by "educating" the consumer in more appropriate venues.
Or you could continue to show us how much you know and tell us again how we don't have a clue.
Oh, and please, make sure to tell us once again how busy you are and how many jobs you have waiting. It really adds to your credibility. 
Originally Posted By: roconnor This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
And try to keep the posts a little shorter, and to the point …
I think the bottom line with basement waterproofing is a client can throw a lot of money at unreasonable expectations or overly expensive solutions. Water penetration needs to be carefully evaluated, and costs verses expected results clearly explained so clients can make informed decisions.
Each case is different, but first solving roof and grading drainage problems usually goes a long way towards improving problems before more expensive solutions are considered ... and those things should be corrected anyway.
Just my opinion and 2-nickels ... 
-- Robert O'Connor, PE
Eagle Engineering ?
Eagle Eye Inspections ?
NACHI Education Committee
I am absolutely amazed sometimes by how much thought goes into doing things wrong
Originally Posted By: aslimack This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
While you appear to possess much knowledge on the foundation repair thing, comparing why roofs leak and why foundations leak shows that your over confident in your knowledge. Maybe instead of coming here and “educating” us all, you ought to read what other have to say. Maybe even process it before replying. Many of what you say contradicts what you have said previously. Back to your roof to foundation comparison. A roof doesn’t have a saturated sponge on it year round applying weight and pressure. Really not a good comparison, much less worthy of another lololo. Think.
Originally Posted By: cmccann This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Mr Anderson,
I've been reading over some of your posts, and it leaves me wondering what your trying to tell us?
Most if not all basements in Michigan have cracks. Now, that being said, most if not all basements in Michigan will leak at some point or another. That's just a part of living in Michigan.
So what are you trying to ask us? Do I tell my clients that the basement looks great and it will never leak? NOT!
I tell them, there is 2 kinds of basements in Michigan, the ones that leak and the ones that are going to leak. It's not the end of mankind, and all leaks can be fixed. What else am I suppose to do? Call them and ask if it's leaking yet?
Be thankful you live in a state that your "talents" can be used on a regular basis.
By the way, my basement has cracks and has leaked. Does yours have cracks or leaks? If you say No, your lying.
Originally Posted By: Mark Anderson This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
GC–“The kid who swallows too many marbles doesnt grow up to have kids of his own” This 1 may be good for some of you HI`s " New product idea…a roach spray that doesnt kill the roaches but rather fills their minds with self-doubt as to whether or not they are in the right house"
Originally Posted By: cmccann This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I was reading your last post but could not understand the writing. Did you answer my questions? Sorry if I missed it.
When you fix "A" leak in a basement do you tell your clients that the basement will never leak again? If yes, what does this "guarantee" include?
Also I have seen so many basement water proofing companies rip people off here in Michigan it makes me sick. Hell my neighbor is in a dispute right now because of the so called "warranty" they got from the basement company.
Basement companies do everything they can to get out of any warranty work. "Oh that was not part of the warranty" or "Oh that is a different area then we were working in" or "Sorry were out of business now".
Simple questions only require simple answers. Oh and BTW I was wondering what company you work for so I could refer you sometime. Forget that now, your professionalism would not be of any value to my clients.