More BS

Originally Posted By: Mark Anderson
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another Haege screw up!

over `n over, week after week people call into this guys radio show and 90% of time..are given the WRONG answers on Bsmt Waterproofing! Pizzes me off and should pizz off the rest of you, cuz this guy sez over and over to"Do the job right" and "He does his homework,has all the right answers" and uses a public forum to BS tens of thousands of people,wake up America..and use yer head! Hey, this guy has Never done a bsmt waterproofing job,let alone had to guarantee it over extended period of on earth would He know? The answers he gives his listeners are from 2-3 'inside only' waterproofing companies that he recommends so of course the answers are all 1 sided, viewed from a totally biased opinion! To fit the agenda of the few(and same) companies he recommends...Grrrrr ![eusa_wall.gif](upload://hILV5Z8gRVLwzVpRIDJEm01uB52.gif)

Last bunch of crap i heard is a caller asks him about some effloressence they see on block wall 1-2 crs up off floor and he tells them that is from clogged/broken drain tiles on the outside and that they need B-dry or Everdry or whoever to install a BS inside water-diverting method ...BLLCHTT! Wrong!!! This guy is waaay off! Give Rush Limbaugh back them there pills plz!

Almost always it is from a horizontal crack(yes,could be step or vertical crack too) on the outside of that wall and is exactly 1-2 blocks up off the footing...period. You want Real-Honest-Answers? There are NOT online,Not on radio shows,they are right here!

And to touch on everyone`s favorite MYTH of sloping grade , hey, while its fine-ok to help try `n divert some water away from a you actually think just because the grade is sloped away that the ground/soil underneath the grade is also sloped? C`mon peeps!

Me & You and a dog named Boo...traveling and a livin` off the land

The Real reasons basements leak

Originally Posted By: ecrofutt
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Reads like someone should have gone to bed instead of posting.

Erby Crofutt

B4U Close Home Inspections

Georgetown, Kentucky

Originally Posted By: lewens
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Sounds like he’s a bit peed off whatdayathink?

Just my usual 12.5 cents

From The Great White North Eh?

Originally Posted By: jkormos
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The number one answer is icon_evil.gif just a wee bit

Originally Posted By: Mark Anderson
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PFFFT!!! Here we go again! lololol…your suppose ta give more than 2 shtts as home inps...maybe ya dont,and THATS Home Inps problem, take yer lil man shots. I come on here after digging my azz off(youll NEVER know!) to help n inform and post true honest damn answers. Ive read MANY of your HI posts, including B--tching with each other,yah, thats right. If you dont care or dont want to learn then dont read and post yer own BS elsewhere, SOBS~ You got something smart azz ta say,then say it to my face! Believe me…i DO tell homeowners to watch out for some of YOU and guess what…they trust my azz so stuff it.

The Real reasons basements leak

Originally Posted By: lewens
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Whoa Mark,

Slow down son. I was just commenting on the flavour of the post, I didn’t mean to get under your skin. I have read with great interest most of your posts and I think you are very knowledgeable in your particular area. You are very welcome on this board as you don’t usually don’t blow up like this and you have lots to offer. Now, having said that, you have got to grow a few more layers of skin. Any body without thick skin doesn’t stand a snowballs chance in hell of surviving around here. No disrespect intended I was just trying to inject a little humor into your obviously rotten day.

Sorry man


Just my usual 12.5 cents

From The Great White North Eh?

Originally Posted By: roconnor
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Fix the roof and site drainage first, then worry about basement waterproofing (unless there are signs of structural issues or ya want finished basement space) … icon_wink.gif

My dad got an estimate of several thousand dollars to waterproof his foundation, so he asked for my opinion since that is a specialty area of mine. I had him fix the roof drainage, grading, and do a few other cheap practice secrets first.

He never called them back, and its been actually a lot drier than I thought it would be for many years now. Go figure ....

Robert O'Connor, PE
Eagle Engineering ?
Eagle Eye Inspections ?
NACHI Education Committee

I am absolutely amazed sometimes by how much thought goes into doing things wrong

Originally Posted By: Mark Anderson
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are you going to recommend to homeowner to raise grade/extend downspout extensions First…even when there is a visible crack(s) in foundation walls? Are you going to recommend the same when there is mold/efflorescence bowing-buckling of bsmt walls?

If thats your recommendation then mine has been and will be for a new homeowner who recently moved in & just experienced first few decent rains and has water coming from I-joint that they were misled/bs`d by inspection report and by seller...take pictures and get the ball rolling to recover the money it`ll take to fix problems correctly. Pre--existing cracks/seepage wall problems should have been disclosed so if buyer still wanted that house to at least know and be able to bargain the asking price down.

On some of your HI websites-advertisements i read that you do indeed inspect foundation thoroughly....supposedly, & the homeonwer is paying for it, its part of entire inspection. If the basement is finished and you cant see the walls then you cant inspect them..then to me thats what you should be stating, that you have no idea what shape the bsmt walls are in. More bsmt walls than some of you think are bowing/cracked have mold-efflorescence Behind the paneling/drywall! Especially here in Mich.

Since foundation Is Very important then maybe you or somebody should take More time to define the shape of it! If there is paneling agst walls...then recommend seller take it down if they REALLY want to know what condition its in then take it off to view, if they dont then you are clear. Then if new owner gets in and wants to redo the bsmt and takes paneling down and notices cracks ...wall movement they`ll have to go back on seller for not disclosing. We`re not talking a couple dollars here people. I see this all the time here.

The Real reasons basements leak

Originally Posted By: roconnor
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[Mark] … those were just my opinions on helping to keep basements “relatively” dry in general, and not how I would report visible cracking. There is a difference … icon_wink.gif

Robert O’Connor, PE

Eagle Engineering ?

Eagle Eye Inspections ?

NACHI Education Committee

I am absolutely amazed sometimes by how much thought goes into doing things wrong

Originally Posted By: Mark Anderson
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Regarding foundations----

Statements & claims posted on Your websites...

1) The home inspector should examine the Major components & systems of a home which include foundation...The home inspector should then descibe the condition & any significant concerns to the client.It is Very Important to know the True Condition of the house so you can determine its true value.

So if the basement is finished & there is paneling/drywall up then how far are YOU willing to REALLY go to Actually determine the True condition of the bsmt walls?

2) What is an Inspector looking for?
Major defects..such as structural and potential causes of major defects suck as small leaks
What areas are Inspected?
Again, if basement is finished and you really care then how are you going to determine condition of foundation...huh? Thats what you claim is inspected and claim its what Your looking for.

3) What I Inspect....
I 'Thoroughly' inspect Everything that makes up a house!!!
Thats right,keep askin` the same ya going to "Thoroughly' inspect Everything if You can`t see everything?

4) A 'Skilled' H. inspection professional has the training & experience needed to look for visual signs of defects in your new home. These defects,if not detected and repaired prior to closing,can cost you,the new homeowner thousands of dollars in repair bills

5) Consumers should be very careful when shopping for a home inspector. The industry as a whole is unregulated &...."many" unqualified people offer home inspections

These are not my words but an HI`s own statement on their website, which i totally agree with

6) A Home inspection is the most expensive commodity you are likely to purchase in a lifetime. ONE Defect "Missed" by your inspector could cost you thousands. The Primary Objective of a home inspection is to provide you with information about the home and "any' Major defects Before you buy it.

Yup.....better look behind that paneling/drywall folks!!!

Harper Woods Mich....home for sale, potential buyer hires H inspector. Buyer worried about 2 different areas w/ block basement walls. 1 area in corner has visible step cracks in corner with quite a bit of mold and efflorescence. Other area under front porch has mold above ground level just under cap. The HI recommends extending downspouts extensions ONLY! States this will sove moisture problem! ![eusa_wall.gif](upload://hILV5Z8gRVLwzVpRIDJEm01uB52.gif) ![eusa_wall.gif](upload://hILV5Z8gRVLwzVpRIDJEm01uB52.gif) ![eusa_doh.gif](upload://has2a0g32D0AAlDjAwVcrg3HnhX.gif) ![eusa_doh.gif](upload://has2a0g32D0AAlDjAwVcrg3HnhX.gif)
I go over and show `n explain that in corner the reason water-moisture is entering block wall and onto floor in because of the cracks in wall which then causes the mold and efflorescence...recommend waterproofing the corner only. Take the time and go 1 step further to actually SHOW the seller and buyer what i mean...go outside `n run the hose at ground level. Within 5 minutes there is water on the floor, end of story.
For the porch we do the same but since mold is up high(above grade) in basement i already know that the moisture-water that is entering and causing the mold is entering from'above' ground level(not the wall). But to make sure, we run the hose First along outside of porch at ground level....nary a drop after 45 minutes. I then show them several openings in some mortar joints above ground level, and explain to them that this will be the problem but will visually show them and run the water into & around the open moratr joints. Within 1 minute there is water on the floor. Entered the cells of the block bsmt wall from the open mortar joints that sit on top of the wall...recommend tuckpointing, end of story. Extend Downspout Extensions??? ![eusa_doh.gif](upload://has2a0g32D0AAlDjAwVcrg3HnhX.gif) ..yah, ok.

The Real reasons basements leak

Originally Posted By: Mark Anderson
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Oh yah…this particular HI that did the Harper Woods inspection had a…lol icon_lol.gif moisture meter. Big deal…and whats up with the necessity for it? Certainly didnt help this HI and doesnt actually give concrete answers! Just because the meter may show-read that some moisture may be…lets say in block wall area…it doesnt explain whyn how the moisture and water got in the cells of the wall in the first place and guess what...THATs what important!. And sometimes moisture could be attributed to condensation which does occur inside block walls at times. This HI couldnt deduct the obvious step cracks in bsmt wall, you dont need a meter to see/understand the basics of water intrusion through cracks for god sake.

G.Carlin...Why is it in this country that some people have No food at all and others eat a nourishing meal and Puke it up intentionally? Our Government was thinking about Banning Toy guns...and were gonna keep the !@#$`ing REAL ones!
And why is it that when its a human its an abortion and when its a Chicken its an omelette?
And whats with this'Fear of germs' crap? Everybody cleaning & sterilizing everything...hey, yer immune system needs Germs to practice on to get..stronger! Thats why i dont wipe off my telephone, i dont turn my head when someone else sneezes and i only wash my hands when i crap on them, and thats 2-3 times a week...Tops! If we ever get a Super Virus i`m gonna be ok cuz i give my immune system on the other hand will probably die and deserve it because you have a weak/lame immune system.

The Real reasons basements leak

Originally Posted By: phinsperger
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crapped on my hands as I don’t hold my hands under my arse when going to bathroom.

p.s. If I ever meet you at a chapter meeting or something I hope you understand that I will not be shaking your hand.


Paul Hinsperger
Hinsperger Inspection Services
Chairman - NACHI Awards Committee
Place your Award Nominations
here !

Originally Posted By: Mark Anderson
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I had a waitress bring me my breakfast this morning who had a visible infection on her serving hand ![aiwebs_012.gif](upload://63e3k9zGD6Ee5hBzLypL1lDJzM5.gif)

The Real reasons basements leak

Originally Posted By: Mark Anderson
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icon_lol.gif on Haeges radio show this morng, a caller explains to him that he is getting water in at a corner of block basement `n asks what haege recommends. The master man himself tells homeowner to dig a 2’ by 2’ hole on outside at corner…put 8" of peastone in then 8" of sand atop of that and then 8" of clay and slope…lololol icon_lol.gif UNREAL!

No thought as to..HOW water is getting into the block at the corner . No thought that there is going to be either a crack in block wall near corner and/or tuckpointing needs just above the wall,above ground level.

Over and over the Wrong information and thought process regarding basement waterproofing.

The Real reasons basements leak

Originally Posted By: lewens
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When I do an inspection and come across water in the basement I will “suggest” drainage and longer spouts on the corners “may” solve the problem. If it is a newer house most of the time this is the problem. Negative drainage around a basement is common on new homes. Builders around here are only interested in getting in and out quickly to maximize profit. Most of the time the will only give you a “sodding alowance” because of improperly backfilled foundations and they know they will have to come back to regrade.

In my home I have a stone rubble foundation and short of digging it up and putting in proper weeping tile and pea gravel sand etc. I have a wet basement which I have to live with. I have lessened the amount of water in the basement by about 90% during a heavy rain just by extending the downspouts. In the spring there is squat I can do, it just comes in. So don’t jump so hard on HIs we do the best we can. If we can’t see the wall due to drywall etc. we can’t even guess as to what is going on. That is when I call people like Mark Anderson, The Real Reasons Basements Leak.

Just my usual 12.5 cents

From The Great White North Eh?

Originally Posted By: mcyr
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icon_biggrin.gif icon_biggrin.gif icon_biggrin.gif

Hi Larry;

Just stumbled over this post and realized that the best of the best could not guess what is behind the paneled basement walls. Water proofer or not.

Good answer.
