Originally Posted By: Mark Anderson
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Adam–The water-test will show where any
n all entryways are. I
ve had to do this many, many times on estimates. And many other contractors will not and will ‘assume’ what the actual problem is(or just BS) and thats where trouble begins. Does anyone think i want to spend an extra 1 to 1 1/2 hours on an estimate? But when there is paneling against the walls and i cant see them from the inside dont ya think its best to know what the actual problem is?
As to peoples thoughts that grading--sloping dirt away from the house and downspout extensions "lessening the water around the perimeter of the home"......NO! lolol.... take a few minutes & think about what your asking some top soil and downspout extensions to do.
These diverting measures will divert...."some"...Not Much.....'surface--ground water'...away from the 'top 1-2 feet' along the wall.....that lil amount of water that these measures will divert away at--just under ground level is......still going to accumulate with ALL of the rest of the rainwater and go into the ground...saturate the ground, deeper `n deeper and spread out, wick and go in all directions underground, including under driveways `n patios and....underground back towards the bsmt walls.
Ya have to think of the whole picture when it rains...the Accumulation of ALL the rainwater as it goes into the ground, not just along ground level (or 1-2' below) along the house. Think for a minute of where all the rainwater...all of it....is going. Then think of how it saturates the soil,accumulates deeper in to the ground and around your house,your neighbors house etc.
So..like i`ve stated...these means of diverting 'some ground level' water does not take hydrostatic pressure off the outside of the walls because.....there is a ton of water in the ground below that area where the ground was raised `n sloped...and its still against the middle and lower parts of the basement wall. And when a wall has a crack in it (or other opening) water is still going to come in....come through the crack because, the crack is still open/hasnt been fixed.
Like i said.....i would rather not spend an hour+ on some estimates but when i`m unsure(finished basement) as to what the homeowners problem is.....then i`m sure as heck gonna find out, and running the hose/water test will tell me and also will tell/show the homeowner how and why they are getting water into the basement.
Funds....problem for some, sure, but i also notice how many homeowners already have or want to finish their basement...put carpet in,drywall/paneling,bar,furniture,play area for their kid...and thats fine...no problem, but geez they dont want to spend the money on fixing a leak correctly to protect the money they have or will spend on finishing the basement?
The Real reasons basements leak