Buyer, seller lawsuit leaky basement Supreme court shtt, got MILK?

imo they all need to be B-slapped, yep.
Sellers KNEW there were problems.
Sellers realtor knew.
Buyers… knew!
Home inspector warned them, although recommending ‘a sump pump’ was weak, better off keeping yapper shut, just my 2 cents.

Can ya dig the part where buyers hired Pioneer basement systems who apparently installed 5 (yeah FIVE!) sump pumps and… lolooolll a water DRAINAGE system around perimeter, nonetheless 2010 2 feet of water in basement, again lol!

Buyer testified that when it rained 2006-2007, ’ we would experience water coming in THROUGH some foundation cracks and it wasn’t just seepage, it was shooting from the wall’.
YET… Pioneer installs 5 sump pumps and a perimeter system!!! Incompetent!!!

John McEwen, From the inept to the out and out scams, and then there exists an ENTIRE CADRE of fraud artists who will sell you an open trench in the basement… if you see the words “water control” or “no messy outside digging” or “sub-drain system”, pay attention, if your building department abrogated it’s responsibility, this is what CON MEN are allowed to do to your home’

”Waterproofer artist” was not included in this lawsuit !

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