One more and Bubba will leave you alone, for awhile, and hopefully a few can see and understand the truth, not the myths
2 short videos…
Poured wall, homeowner only leaked about 12" off the corner.
Outside video
Umm, do you see the crack that is about 12" off the corner? Note-- this crack is NOT visible when you eyeball the inside of wall, got that?
And see the other exterior crevices/gaps where water can enter and that injections do not seal, huh?
Inside duh basement video
Yep, that crack you saw outside that is about 1’ off the corner was patched and painted over. And they did a pretty good job on this one of concealing it.
And yep, there is another crack in same wall that we did get, yep.
This area was done for approx. $1,375.
What would quite a few inside system companies charge yer azz to inject 2 cracks and NOT seal the other exterior openings? Exterior waterproofing, they erroneously claim, is cost prohibitive all-most of the time huh? Just another crock of bullshtt.
And sometimes, these inside system companies will come over and give you an estimate, for an injection, and they may not see/bother to look good, the PATCHED and painted over crack and may only give the homeowner an estimate for that diagonal crack and then tell you they can inject that diagonal crack and will also need to install, at least, a partial interior basement system because they don’t see, don’t know, about the other crack, only that it leaks about 1’ off the corner so, how much more $$$$ will that cost ya, huh? A lot more than $1,375! Yeppers
Friggin again… jesssssssssssssssssssus, I ask ya’s, how would raising and sloping the grade, adding stipid azz soil or a dumb azz splishhhhh-splash block, seal/repair/waterproof any and all of those exterior cracks and other openings in the numerous videos posted, which is where the water was entering, huh? Doing that dumb shtt hasn’t, will never, determine-identify the homeowner actual problem!
Lastly we have some home inspectors who like to knock my posts (too long etc) YET, some HI’s articles, blogs etc on this subject are a tad long and pretty much meaningless, not much REAL help to homeowners
Not saying they aren’t good at most of what they inspect but friggin rather, no good on THIS subject so, don’t cry …install weeping tile baseboard system huh?
Exterior waterproofing in only extreme severe cases huh? looool Get real.
Another, under photos says, ‘The patio sloping towards the house causing basement seepage issues’… nonsense!
Says, ‘Sidewalk slopes towards the house, causing basement seepage issues’… nonsense!
Under another it says, ‘The downspout dumps water too close to the house and should be extended to avoid moisture problems’…yet, no mention that there is a DEFECT, a crack right at that corner, duuh!!
These, and quite a few others are the wrong comments, descriptions, to tell homeowners about their friggin leaky basements, it’s friggin incompetent.
Dear Lord, will some EVER begin to freakin understand this subject, huh? Huh Dear Lord? Got milk?
Bubba has sometimes wondered if God, duh Lord, is a woman, got dat?
Our Lady who art in heaven, hallowed be thy breasts…
Salma Hayek table dance, got milk???
Salma and David Letterman talking about bre-STS
Duh umm, ya tink Salma would talk to Uncle Bubba about her bresssts? Huh?
Salma, call me at 1-800-got-milk
And trying to stay informative, ‘My Butt Stretch Marks and how to get rid of…’
WRIF rock girl ice bucket challenge , some bouncing and jiggling near the end … I bet the guy is an interior system bubblehead
WRIF rock girl Taylor Taylor, if ya don’t mind before ya go, Bubba would enjoy 40,000 glasses of milk, got dat?