I know grounds can share the same bus bar, but I didn’t think a ground and neutral.
Your terminology is incorrect.
Yes… a Neutral and a Ground can share a Bus Bar in a Service Panel, (Not a Sub-panel).
NO… a Neutral and a Ground CANNOT share a LUG in ANY panel.
NO… a Neutral CANNOT share a LUG with any other conductor on ANY Bus Bar.
EDIT… Yes… a Ground can share a Lug with one or more additional Ground conductors (depending on panel manufacturer), most commonly for a total of three conductors.
Speaking of terminology. A bus bar TERMINAL block is what you’re putting the wires inside and screwing a terminal screw down to hold the wire. A bus bar is a anything that conducts electricity. Bus bars can be flat, round, thin, fat, spirals, springy, etc. They are “busing” electricity from point A to point B.
Thanks for the clarification. Yeah my terminology on that one was garbage.
An outside disconnect means grounds and neutral must be separated and bonding strip removed
What if it is the service disconnect?
I believe only 3 total grounding conductors under one lug
Exactly what a grounded conductor bus bar is doing. It provides a bonding point for multiple conductors all “Busing” electricity to the same designation. The terms can be synonymous although you might not call the A or B leg a terminal block is is essentially because it allows multiple circuit breaker terminations.
Everyone calls it a bus bar. When I think of a terminal block I think of a 110 punch block for a phone system.
Varies with Manufacturer!
Okay, I see your point… let me rephrase…
Okay since we’re all high on terminology busbar is one word.
Sorry. I’m still trying to quit using “Buss Bar”!
I think I will start calling it the electrical choo choo, that should eliminate any ambiguity besides, busses are for proles.
If You spend too much time in the bar You better take the bus home,
Home was 2 blocks away. I could always stumble my way there. Those three steps to the front porch were a killer though.
Can a neutral and ground share the same busbar in a sub panel that has a service disconnect?
Short answer - NO!
I agree with Bob. NO!
Is the service disconnect ahead of the sub-panel? How many conductors are in the feeder 3 or 4?
Neutral and a Ground conductor can share a Busbar in a Service Panel.
I think NEC (NFPA 70) Article 250.30 (5).