It is now disallowed with the 2021 code update. 2021 IRC prohibits notching at the connection point when the post supports loads from the top and requires that the connection extends into the framing.
Does that include all posts or just posts with a load above it?
For clarity…size does matter
Starts at R507.10
This is an unfortunate decision. Notching rail posts, even one inch, provides significant lateral support. We’ll see more loose railing posts now.
In addition, it makes it more difficult to install posts on the outside of the deck framing, namely along the rim joist and side joists. The outside corner needs notching to be able to in fact install it and to keep the railings in a straight line. The solution probably will be to install posts on the inside of the rim joist and side joists. The other solution will be to have two posts in every inside or outside corner. The two post corner solution requires tying the two corner posts together for lateral support.
Any carpenter who installs decks will understand what I’m saying relative to outside/inside corner posts. I doubt I’ll ever call out a 4 x 4 post that’s notched less than 1.5 inches. In fact, posts feel very solid when notched 1.5 inches, which is my past practice.
I have not found this to be the case. With thru bolts and proper brackets and crossbracing, I found these posts to be incredibly sturdy.