Canadians elect a Liberal government voting to enslave themselves

Note to USA progressives.

Your dreamed for utopia is just north of the border.

Make plans accordingly to emigrate. Soon. thank you.

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Don’t like the thought of this guy running our country but we will have to wait and see what happens.

Hold onto your wallet folks!


It is a CHANGE, JUST AS the U.S. N E E D S one!

changing for the worse is not a good change.

Trust me. WE know it here.

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You have no clue about Canada Larson how about worrying about your yard before you worry about neighbors. They needed a change for sure. Present one was becoming a dictator.

Larson just worried some of the weed smoke will go south and he might get a will happy feeling on.

But I know progressive/liberals.

Will you be moving back now?

Why when i can have so much fun ****ing with you. you really have no clue .

I know you. I know liberals. You qualify.

GEE I’m impressed!

We will see how he does at least he is young , Perhaps Canada will have some excitement in politics .

Looks like Mike was right, as usual.

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This is their answer to cancer, depression, in grown hair, acne, boo boo…
Exciting? :thinking:

Wayne is dead

Wow, when did he pass? What happened?

03-2024 is all I know