Cans - the best method of radon test

One last question for now…

If you are not following the established standards of the US EPA for testing…

Then who do you look to for established standards of the results of the testing?

You did not read my post and I did read your post and also called manufactures (several) and they felt I was more then above compliant for our state

This coming from a manufacture, a very high percentage of monitors are not even re-calibrated. I send my Continuous Radon Monitor in once a year no matter what.

Which means nothing.

I used to work for an NRTL.

We had to annual calibrations and verifications on bucket loads of test equipment.

Including simple tape measures.

It cost more to have the tape measure checked than it did to purchase it but buying a new one off the shelf was not an option unless it came with a NIST traceable certificate.

The quality control protocols were developed for a reason and have been in place for decades.

Doing your own thing is, well…_______.

So like I said tell me what I have missed as I have read your post and WI reg’s spoke with the manufacture. What I am I missing that you feel I am not meeting and don’t tell me to read something as I have and I must be missing something. Spell it out or you are just well…___________

I utilize both passive and CRM’s for testing, depending on the situation.

For residential testing where a real estate transaction is involved I feel a CRM is an absolute necessity. Not any old CRM but one that will record environmental conditions (temp, humidity, barometric pressure) as well as movement, loss of power source, etc. There are too many sellers out there who may be tempted to cheat, and passive devices will never pick up on it. In addition, I can correlate possible anomalies which may be due to weather conditions, etc. Though you may argue, charcoal kits do have some major disadvantages. They are highly susceptible to humidity and moisture. How many basements have you been in where the humidity is high? Would you trust that charcoal kit result then if it read a 3.9? Also the devices are biased to the last 12 hours of exposure. There is lag time between retrieval and lab analysis. What does this do to the granules and their absorption in terms of half life and decay. I could go on. IMO if you want to be “professional”, then do your client the privilege of using professional equipment. And you can charge more! People tend to get a little pissy when you are charging them $150-$200 for a test with a $25 charcoal kit…

Commercial testing is different. I will utilize at least one CRM to document the conditions mentioned above, but then use the passives throughout the rest of the building. This is simply due to the number of devices required. I wish I could bankroll 50 CRM’s but at some point you have to accept your limitations! Even in these situations I would prefer EPerms over charcoal. For many this again is a budgetary decision.

If you are limited to using passive charcoal test kits for residential real estate transactions I would encourage you to pick up a USB datalogger from Amazon.

Tape the thing down so it cant easily be moved. Download the logger and you at least have a record of the conditions present during testing.

Many lower cost units are useless for this application. Be sure to read the Specs!