Hey All,
I haven’t offered Radon tests in my area since I very few requests for them up until here lately, hard enough to get home inspections enough to make it worthwhile. I have seen those electronic continous testers advertized. Are they reliable enough to depend on to get onsite results ? Rather than use the canisters & wait ? If so which ones do you reccommend ? I heard one guy on here awhile back that used 2 of the electronic ones so he could have a comparison test. Any input/suggestions would be appreciated, I tried to check the archives but couldn’t find much…
They are great! Most are virtually instantaneous. They range in price from the relatively inexpensive ($500) to the very expensive ($5000).
I’ve got a lower end model from Sun Nuclear that works very well for my purposes. I just ran a side-by-side along with a liquid scintillation device and they both were virtually identical (within either accuracy rating.)
If you are in a licensed state, I would recommend using a monitor from Radalink, as they take care of all the paperwork for you. (And they will rent you a machine for very reasonable pricing.)
AccuStar also has some very very nice systems, but were a little more Cadillac than I can afford right now.
Don’t forget yearly calibrations. I too have the Sun 1027’s and love them! Monday morning the PA DEP came over to do a “courtesy check” and I passed with no problems (licensed state for radon). Mine cost $645 each if my memory serves me correctly. The paper work is not hard if you do it as you complete each measurement IE: Don’t get lazy with the paperwork!
Sun 1027’s
Why so cheap?
sample report on page 2 of reporting options for femto tech monitor with report from Air Chek, Inc.
bottom of radon info page … describes several monitors
We have used sun nuclear, and radalink, we upgraded to the femto tech monitors several years ago with reports from Air Chek and have never looked back (over 13,000 tests).
Air Cheks passive test is also great and easy to use and you will not find a better company to work with.
Florida had 20 radalink users when we started 8 years ago, many left and new ones started but they still just have about 20 Florida users, just something I noticed over the years.
Back to work for me , have a great christmas
Doug Wall
Radon & Mold Professionals
Thanx a million for the advise ,guys. So the results are fairly quick & you wouldn’t have to leave it overnite in a house & take a chance on it being taken or damaged. You get a printout to present to the client too? What is a normal going rate with an electronic tester? Same/more than canister??
I used to use radalink & I got tired of paying the lease fee and per test fee.
The paperwork is not that difficult.
Thanx for the replies, Has anybody ever had problems with tennants/sellers messing with the monitor & compromising the test ?
Anybody lose one ? getting it stolen ?
Thanx, T.J.
Thanx for the replies, Has anybody ever had problems with tennants/sellers messing with the monitor & compromising the test ?
Anybody lose one ? getting it stolen ?
Thanx, T.J.
use a monitor that records radon level, temperature , barometric pressure and humidity to help determine if test is compromised. Femto tech and radalink both do this.
we have done thousands according to the FL DOH and never had any missing yet. probably depends on your work area.
the femto tech 510’s are about $4,500. the type of monitor use use probably depends on how serious you are in doing the best job for your client.
Doug Wall
Radon & Mold Professionals
Thanx, was just curious, I know I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night for awhile worrying about the monitor that’s probably worth more than the house it’s sitting in.
Flat fee $150.00/month
Vitually no paperwork
Results to your cell and e-mails to all you want included.
Yearly calibration included (when they need it back for calibration you have a replacement before hand)
Results with in 30 minutes (usually) upon upload
I have less headaches this way.
Just my 1.25 cents
Hi T.J. just to clarify the “quick results”; the minimum short term radon testing requires a 48 hr. test to be completed. the “quick results” come into play at the end of the 48hrs. there is no need to send anything to a lab for analysis, just download the results to confirm the crm was not tampered with and send a one page report to the client. It simply eliminates the 2-3 day waiting period for the lab report if you are using charcoal canisters/liquid Scintillation.
What is a normal going rate with an electronic tester? Same/more than canister??
I have received several emails about prices for HI’s.
We charge the public $175 for one monitor and $170 each for 2 or more on same job; lot of 8 to 15,000 sq ft home in southwest Florida.
We charge home inspectors $140 per monitor, we place and pickup test as per Florida law. They add to price, usually between $25 to $60 and bill their client.
(we now only have 25 to 30 monitors in this market)
($180 to $250 accross the state of Florida, good or garbage test seems to be the price)
Our competition charges $125 to $140, of course they are using a radalink or sun nuclear.
For Charcoals we have a minimum of 20 units.
We charge $35 per unit, Florida also requires doubles (1 for every 10) and blanks when doing schools, assisted living facilities.
It appears the HI that does not have a lot of radon business uses charcoals (Air Chek best) and charges about the same if not more than we do for monitors.
Florida / use two passive tests instead of one monitor.
All home inspectors should offer radon testing, test yourself if legal or sub it out to a professional. 1 out of 4 tested in southwest florida has had elevated radon levels.
It was common to believe south florida does not have a radon problem 8 years ago.
I was new 8 years ago and after a bad experience with radalink I talked to Shawn Price at Air Chek, Inc. ( www.radon.com ), if you have questions, he is the best guy to talk to.
In Florida, Bill Levy at Associated Radon on the east coast is a great guy and very helpful.
Remember, Elevated radon is a serious health concern but it is just a home repair. The only way to know is to test.
Doug Wall
WallRadon Testing, Inc. RB1938
Florida Department of Health Certified Radon Business
Radon & Mold Professionals
Thanx guys for all the help, I really appreciate the info. I wanted to add this to my bus. Have already taken the cert. training for the CEU credits. I live in Wyoming & from what I’ve heard radon is high here due to the large amount of mineral deposits. I don’t know if that really has anything to do with it or not, but when I moved here 12 years ago I was astounded by the amount of respitory problems, my little town has 2 oxygen supply outfits. I’m not sure this has anything to do w/Radon either, maybe I’m just imagining it is the problem.
How many radon tests do you do monthly?
AirChek canisters cost about $7.50 each ($15.00 for one job). Envelope and postage is about $3.00. I sometimes make arrangements for the client or agent to pick them up after 48 hours and mail them in my postage paid envelopes…saves me a return trip.
Price: $125.00
Equipment cost: $0
Calibration costs: $0
Expenses: -$18.00
Profit: $107.00
(No special requirements for radon in my state.)
15-20 if I were to guess an average. This is not acceptable as I always seem to have a monitor sitting at any given time. I could send one back but I done that twice and got burned both times not having a device for an emergency real transaction. Since I am a measurement technician technically working under Dallas Jones from Radalink I don’t believe I am permitted to use charcoal cannisters with out hold a professional license. My prices have gone up to 110.00 equaling 1650-2200/mo. Very much a supplementary.
Oh yeah! Radon insurance add-on 150/yr
Since I am a measurement technician technically working under Dallas Jones from Radalink I don’t believe I am permitted to use charcoal cannisters with out hold a professional license.
If you can’t use charcoals, passive tests, you may be missing alot of work for assisted living facilities and schools, apartment complexes etc.
Air Chek, Inc. is legal in alot of states. We use a femto tech monitor but for a bunch of tests, we use Air Chek. we work under their business certification, Shawn Price is our measurement specialist. www.radon.com
(800) 247-2435 x-812.
Maybe you can do both.
Doug Wall
Radon & Mold Professionals
Might be from all the dust blowing at you too, TJ!
Hope you and Bonnie are doing well.