It is starting to get warm here in AZ and the critters are on the move
Ah yes I miss those rattlers from my days in New Mexico, especially in crawl spaces…
I would not want to run into one of those in a crawl.
Tastes like chicken
Funny cause I heard that chicken tastes like rattler. :roll:
That’s what the rattler said about you!
Chickens don’t have venom.
I’ve seen only one rattlesnake in my life (parents live in NM), but as pissed off as it was I was happy to be a safe distance away. God bless you guys who crawl under houses in the southwest. Scorpions are nice too.
Oh thanks, I hate snakes! I also hate going into crawlspaces with package units with no obstruction under them. I see snake skins all the time in the crawl where they go under the unit and into the crawl. I pulled up a vapor barrier in one house to look to see if they had footers under some repairs and snakes went everywhere! I almost knocked myself out trying to get out.