Carrier air handler 40GC003100 Ser# D036962
Carrier air handler 40GC002100 Ser# F978416
Carrier air handler 40GC003100 Ser# D036962
Carrier air handler 40GC002100 Ser# F978416
April 1970
June 1979
Thanks for your reply. How did you come up with those dates? They don’t seem to match any known codes that I have. The house that they are in was built in 1975 so at least one of them is wrong. I called Carrier and they insist that the codes are not Carrier codes. I have pictures of the labels and they are Carrier units. Puzzling, to say the least.
I also believe they are not “Carrier” codes. The style of number could be for any number of manufacturers. Thus I believe they were manufactured for Carrier during a labor/management strike, a maintenance shut-down, or a natural disaster shut-down/evacuation.
The first thing I will look at is the manufacturer name, and then the serial number. However, if the serial number doesn’t match anything that I have for that manufacturer (and I’ve been doing HVAC and water heater serial number decoding for over 30 years now), especially the larger manufacturers such as Carrier, then I’ll look at other manufacturers, especially for the period from 1945 through the mid-1980s. That’s when labor unions were still going strong, and strikes and management conflicts were rather common. Rarely does a strike, even in today’s world, totally shut down a company or shut out the best Clients of that manufacturer. Manufacturing simply got outsourced, preferably to smaller, local entities so that shipping charges didn’t play too great of a factor.
The recent strike by the Screen Writers Guild is a great current example. The “best” Clients, such as David Letterman and some others, came to separate agreements with the Guild, wrote their own stuff, or got themselves reclassified (The View) so that they were only affected to the extent that Guild members would not show up on their shows except to talk about the strike.
As my wise old grandmother said, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.”
The fact that the house was built in 1975 doesn’t cause me great pause. Although rare, I have seen units sit around for several years in warehouses or at large construction sites. I’ve also found “old” units moved to “new” locations, especially if the old unit is at the developers old home, and he doesn’t like the new units as much as the old units, so he simply put in a new unit at his old home, and put his old unit at his new home. So I find both of those dates to be plausible.
I understand what you are saying. Here is the label for one of the units. Even though it says Carrier repeatedly, I can undstand that it possibly was made by someone else. The house itself was a high end “horse property” on Long Island’s north shore and I doubt that the builder used a 5 year old unit. Then again, anything is possible.
Those “high end” properties are usually exactly the types of properties where switching occurs, and the overly wealthy can do just about anything they please. As my wise old grandmother said, “Money can buy anything except happiness.”