CDC fictitious COVID numbers

The CDC is a government funded organization where the director is appointed by Biden. Each state reports their COVID numbers to the CDC daily. These numbers are posted on their respective websites. I’ve noticed the CDC pads South Carolina’s numbers considerably.

SC reported under 2000 cases yet the CDC reports almost 4000 on 8-15.

What are they doing in your state and why are they misinforming the public?


## CDC admits it DID overcount Florida’s COVID cases: Agency revises down state’s weekend numbers from 28,000 to 19,000 but offers no explanation after falsely claiming ‘record’ infections


Oh geez. … … if they find out about our posts, they’ll put little red stinkers on the bottom of our mailboxes . … … .

Now get back in your house with a mask on, don’t come out & SHUT UP


I don’t think we’re going to hear from the clowns asking for proof or source on this one :slightly_smiling_face:.

The CDC and others so called sources have the attitude “Hey, who checks?”


unsure how this relates to home inspections ? possibly the wrong forum for political issues


Get outta here & do not be involved then
I think I know who your close family is… … … at least brain related.

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SC’s DHEC new case dashboard is brutally counter-intuitive. They appear to post new case numbers daily, but there’s no master table or chart with previous daily numbers. The only thing they have for past numbers is a weekly numbers chart.

Also SCDHEC shows 673k cases, and the CDC only shows 669K cases in the state.

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Off topic.


Same here with GA

Georgia reported positive cases Aug 16th - 5,232

CDC reported positive cases Aug 16th - 6,467


You have to ask yourself why is the CDC inflating Georgia’s reported numbers by 24%? I could see a +/- of 1% error. This is why I have little trust in government sponsored agencies and the information they provide. The CDC has misstepped and misinformed the public since the beginning of this pandemic. If they are screwing up the numbers what else have they screwed up? The final numbers are probably tallied on the Biden appointed CDC directors desk.



Also, positive or negative cases has a +/- margin of error some as high as 50%. But they don’t want us to know that either.

It’s strange, political polls always post the +/- margin of error. It’s not important and nobody cares.

But we DO care about this, but we are not “allowed” to know.


The CDC inflates South Carolina’s confirmed cases by 46%.

I’ve never trusted CDC case numbers. I trust the numbers from hospitals and what they are seeing. That is the concern. The only thing from the CDC I’ve trusted so far is: wear a mask in populated areas, wash and sanitize your hands and stay away from idiots.


I agree Thomas. I trust the numbers from my state.

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Yes…that has been the only way I could really keep a pulse on things.


Is the picture starting to come into Focus yet?

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Did you even read the article? This is why no one trust the media. Crazy headlines to get clicks

DeSantis ramped up the call for Floridians to seek out monoclonal antibody treatments in August as coronavirus cases spiked. He’s held news conferences at treatment sites and a Tampa hospital touting the effectiveness of the drug if people receive treatment soon after testing positive.

“Early treatment with these monoclonal antibodies – Regeneron and others – have proven to radically reduce the chances that somebody ends up being hospitalized,” DeSantis said Monday at a treatment site in Orlando. “Reducing hospital admissions has got to be a top priority.”

Experts agree with him. The drugs, when given within 10 days of initial symptoms, have been shown to cut rates of hospitalization and death by roughly 70%.

“We definitely need treatments like monoclonal antibodies that can prevent mild disease from progressing to severe disease.

Then before that in the article, it said this about the investments.

It’s not unusual for hedge funds to have a wide range of investments. And BlackRock, which has primarily donated to Democratic candidates, though has also donated substantially to Republicans, has a large holding in the company — more so than Citadel.