CE Credit Questions

Hi everyone,

Hope all is well and business is good for you all. I have some simple questions regarding Florida CE credits.

  1. If you take a CE course here on Nachi does it update the State’;s info for you or is there another step I need to take?

  2. The CE section on my DBPR acct is a little confusing. It basically reads as follows:

Requirements Start Date End Date Required Completed Short Fall

HI - General 8-1-2012 7-31-2014 12 12 0

Hurricane 8-1-2012 7-31-2014 2 0 2

Excess HRS 8-1-2012 7-31-2014 0 68 0

I just completed the wind mitigation course. Once this is updated at the DBPR I am reading that my CE requirements are satisfied. Is this correct?

Ok sorry that is a little confusing to read.

It basically says that I have completed 12 HRS of general CE with a short fall of 0. The start dates is 8-1-2012, end date is 7-31-2014. Does this mean my general CE requirements are satisfied? for this renewal period on 7-31-2014?

I had to upload my certificates myself.
I think you need a total of 14.
You should have it but they are not counting the WindMit for the extra 2 hours shortfall.
You need to email or call them.
I just checked their website on you & it does not show you are OK for the 2014 renewal to 2016.

I had the same issue on the dumb DPBR site.
I had to email them to straighten it out.
They mixed up my HI credits with my Mold Assessor credits.

Call them and it will be all fixed in about 5 minutes.

Yes the wind mit class satisfies all requirements

Ok thanks everyone. The common theme seems to be to give them a call. So Ill do that tomorrow sometime

My only other question is if it says I have 0 shortfall for the period start date of 8-1-2012 and end date of 7-31-2014 then I have satisfied my CE credits for that section correct?

Yes Justin. That would be correct.


Yes-for General, still need 2 hours of Hurricane