After we complete our exam is there something special we need to do so the 14 hours gets recognized by the state. I thought there was a post somewhere about this a few months ago.
After we complete our exam is there something special we need to do so the 14 hours gets recognized by the state. I thought there was a post somewhere about this a few months ago.
We are currently making some updates to the education system. Go to: and make sure your license number is listed. Once your license number is on file, we will auto submit any approved course you complete to the DBPR within 7 working days. Also, all Florida approved education we offer is listed here:
Is there a way to list multiple licenses? I typically list all my licenses when I take other CE courses and they get credit applied to each (I got 8 hrs of general with out taking a single HI course).
There is an option in your profile for adding as many license numbers as you want. I just did it a month ago for my other 3 FL licenses.
Thanks Brad
I must have updated my licenses in the first link of post #2. I thought it was in the profile section but guess not…should be though.