I past this today house going to an inspection today. The Roof profile is interesting. I had to turn around and take a picture. Do you think this an architectural design or a structural defect. I can’t really tell. What’s your vote.
It’s self-imploding.
Did you just happen upon it or did someone actually try to buy that house and hire you to tell them the obvious?
You cudda been a contenda - for best structural defect.
This is a drive by and had to snap a photo. I’m still puzzled. It looks like it’s falling inward on it self but then the roof line look like its designed that way. I don’t believe it was design this way because it looks like the roof has been built up to support the leaning chimney’s. Very weird.
Definitely looks like an add-on to the ridge of the roof. The chimneys may look weird from the lens of the camera… probably much easier to tell if you were closer to home.
Unless of course the add on was done to obscure defect???
Dunno. Cool pic tho
edit-> just saw 2nd pic… that changes things a bit
Shingles adjacent to the chimney are being pushed up. If I had a gun to my head and had to guess I would say the ridge beam has a break or a butt joint that wasn’t done correctly and is failing. We see a lot of “sway back” roofs here because there are so many very old homes in the old part of Pensacola. The caulk along the front of the chimney is another sign of an amateur. The crack in the caulk is wider at the left edge near the eave. I would be afraid the chimneys would finally just cave in one night and crash down through the center of the home. Would not be the first time this has happened.
There would be significant damage to the brick chimneys if that were due to failure of the framing. Don’t see that.
Also, for the ridge to sag that much, the walls would have to be bowed out quite a lot and you’d have noticed.
Thirdly, the ridge is pretty straight from the ends to the center, and old-roof failures of that type typically have some curve to the sag.
Fourthly, the shingles look like they’re done pretty well at the transition.
I think what you have there is functional art.