Hey everyone, just wanted to get your feedback. I had a home inspection today, I called out the chimney lean being an issue and should be looked at further. The agent and clients were both attending the inspection. I think they both were trying to convince themselves that “its not that bad”. I still wrote it up. The chimney had a slight lean, on the inside of the home there were signs of moisture damage
You did your job! I would have called out too, but I wouldn’t say “slight”… From here it looks like it could easily be out of plumb a good 8-12"!
Appears to be wood frame? If so, it could be caused by the moisture intrusion leading to wood rot, which could weaken attachment at roof… could you see the roof penetration from attic? either way it could lead to a safety hazard. That’s alot of weight that could crash through the roof
Daniel, thanks for your response. Exactly what I was trying to explain to the buyer. They can say “it’s not the bad” all day, my response to them was it’s not supposed to be that way! I couldn’t reach that area in the attic due to limitations.
my guess, without seeing the back, is poor flashing and moisture getting in and causing the mortar joints to expand. it could probably be fixed pretty easily by a good mason?
Year the home was erected?
Chimney Abandoned or Operational?
If in use, for what?
PS: You should invest in a better camera.
The technical term for what you observed, if I am not mistaken, is a framed chimney chase. Likely wood.
Inside the chase is up for debate but the flashing, or lack thereof, has undermined the structure.
Could be a chased masonry block chimney with round tera cotta flue. Henceforth, my asking for the buildings age.
Tall masonry chimneys have been known to bend due to prevailing winds and water mixed with Sulphur from oil fired flue gas emissions in the mortar in Northern climates due to mortar swelling. Carson Dunlop hand an article about the phenomenon. [Curved Brick Chimneys]
Exterior: Recommendations: Chimney.
Refer to a licensed general contractor for chase and flue analyses.
*Note: Do not operate until the chimney has been deemed safe to exhaust flue gasses.
No difference since all this time has elapsed.
Some people cannot absorb & learn, even over ten years.
uh… my computer did it… … … . .
Uh… … let’s blame it on Member Of The Year.