Originally Posted By: lhollick This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Found sparkles on the rafters. Is this crystallized sap or something more serious ? This is a first for me - haven’t seen it before ! Can anybody help me on this one ? !
Originally Posted By: gbeaumont This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi Len,
from the photograph it looks like sap, I see alot of this in older properties here in the north east. I suspect that it is indicative of poorly seasoned lumber in the original build, the timber wa some what "green" and still iving up it's sap which them dries out over time leaving this chrystalized resin.
Originally Posted By: jpeck This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Could also have been too much sap in that piece, and before it dried and crystallized, the attic got real hot and the sap oozed out the pours in the wood.
On a good hot day, I bet that stuff still gets sticky.
Originally Posted By: dvalley This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Welcome to NACHI.
Sap it is.
Did you call out the inadequate insulation depth that is causing ice damming at the eave area and in turn has caused moisture damage to the fascia board?
Originally Posted By: dvalley This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Ice dams are the accumulation of ice at the eaves and valleys of roofs and in some winters (in areas like mine) create major problems. Insufficient attic insulation and/or attic ventilation can cause roof snow to melt and slide down to the eaves, where the roof surface is cooler and the melting snow freezes to the roof. Subsequent melting causes water to pool behind this dam and sometimes the water seeps between the shingle layers, wetting the roof deck, fascia board and possibly the walls and ceilings below.