Originally Posted By: pmagrone This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I did an inspection yesterday and when I was in the attic I saw on one rafter only what appeared to be a tremendous amount of sap. It had already dried up and was solid but this sap was in quite an abundance and had dripped on the insulation and other beams under it. Again, it was completely dry and I did take a sample for my client but my question is what caused this in this 30 year old home with the original structure in tact? Is this a problem or just a strange phenomenon?
Originally Posted By: bking This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I saw that on a 1x8 fascia board that was on the north side (no sun) side of a house. This newer house had ridge vents and 2 powered attic fans that operated very well.
Originally Posted By: lewens This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Having seen many a bundle of SPF dry studs explode when the bands were cut off them it doesn’t surprise me to see sap on any piece of framing lumber. I have had studs spit at me when driving nails into them.