Clearance of primary to roof slope

I vebally advised my clients to check the survey for possible easement encroachment problems with this (see pictures). The pole was about 3 feet from the house and the transmission line was about six feet above the roof.

My experience tells me there should be an eight foot easement on each side of the pole. Don’t know the proper clearance of the lines to the roof but I could have easily grabbed the line from the roof slope.

It doesn’t look right. Haven’t written the report yet. Any comments?


John, I wouldn’t want them babies laying on my home during a storm…:shock:

Something is wrong alright…:shock:

What was this a SELLERS inspection?..:smiley:

I bet it meets all these criteria doesn’t it?

New construction inspection, Houston Texas, Ashton Woods Homes.

I guess we all know clearance of service drops to this particular roof slope is three feet. Primary power rarely comes into play in our field however. There’s just a wee bit more voltage involved here.

You have got to be joking me that that is new construction!
I was going to say the home looks pretty new, and ask which was there first, the home or the pole. From the sound of it the pole was.

The builder sounds like a buffoon for putting the house so close. I would agree that there MUST be some sort of easment or right of way along the path of those wires. And I’d bet dollars that it is more than 3’.

Like the others have said Michael, that chart doesn’t have much relavance in this situation. Infact the NEC has no relavance. This is a POCO or municipality issue.

No, I realize that the graphic is not directly applicable but my thought was that if the existing lines violated any of those criteria then that would be a place to start. The higher voltage distribution lines certainly wouldn’t have less stringent criteria associated with them. I’ll delete the graphic so as to not confuse anyone.


I actually made that last post without seeing yours. I was probably typing when you were posting. :cool:

Now that’s just “fub-duck.”

No comments from the resident Sparkies? Must be over their heads (excuse the pun). :smiley:


Houston local code from

The only problem is they do not list standard easement distances and this appears to be for buried lines (??). Most I have seen are generally 10 feet or better for any utility. You would need to check with the city on their easement amounts for overhead utilities and supporting poles.

How but the issue of EMF? Electro-magnetic forces.

I suppose the benefit would be getting free power through induction by installing several coils in the attic space! :smiley:


There are codes governing this type of problem. Do you know what the voltage is for the distribution line that is shown in your pictures? The voltage determines which of the codes would apply. I will be online this evening and will have looked it up in the code book, if you could reply, with the line voltage.

I have over 40 years of experience in the electrical distribution field and feel we can work to give an accurate report to your client.

Dale Cameron
Cameron Home Inspections
Brookfield, MO

WOW :shock:

I hope those are not 12,500 volt???

In Chicago those are in alleys next to buildings. The Squirrels use them for access ways to the neighborhoods… ZZZZZAAAAAAPPP!! :smiley:

Where are the …“Electrical professionals” A.K.A. Sparkies (expression soon to be removed from my vocabulary)…:wink:

What did the electrician say when he got jolted by an electrical coil?
“DAM! That Hertz” ;-):wink:

Sorry bad joke…:smiley:

I don’t know the volatage. My guess is around 13,000volts. I sent the report to my client this morning and wrote it up like this:

Clearance of primary power distribution pole to structure is about three feet (picture 1). The clearance of the primary power distribution lines appears to be about six feet from the roof slope (picture 2). Inspection of primary power distribution lines is outside of the scope of a standard home inspection but the condition appears to be non-standard and in need of further due diligence by the prospective buyer. The verification of clearances of primary distribution lines is a function of the local power company. I recommend that you consult with the local power utility company to determine if the clearance of the primary power distribution in relation to the structure, conforms to their standards. Another place to obtain verification might be the code department at the local municipality. It is also possible that the structure encroaches upon the utility easement at the right side. I recommend that you check the property survey to determine the location of the utility easements and to determine whether or not the structure encroaches upon them.

Of course the builder told them it was checked and is okay. I told my client to have them put it in writing.

Hi to all,

John, whaddya mean you dont know the voltage, get back over there with your ladder and voltmeter. Inquiring minds need to know the voltage :wink:

(for the inexperienced around here I promise I AM ONLY JOKING)



Gerry, the fuzz on my head was standing up at about 8’. Yep, I’d say 13k volts. :smiley:

Sound slike a scientific method John, works for me :mrgreen:



Im sorry Gerry, I very much like your posts and contributions to this board and organization. But that is really no joking matter. I worked with an engineer who decided to measure the bus voltage on some switch gear with a Fluke 87 meter. Let’s just say it wasn’t pretty. The meter was rated for 600 V input max the swtch gear bus was at several thousand volts. Ouch!

The incident resulted in all the engineers of the international company to attend high voltage training which was probably not needed by most but was warranted due to the liability incurred.

We all must take safety seriously whether its ladders or electricity.