Clearance question - service panel to pool equipment

I have a main service panel in a recently enclosed pool equipment room (panel was on an exterior wall previously). Pool was put in 10+ years ago, house built in 1978. Pool was permitted and I assume the panel is original. Sorry I don’t have a better pic, but the panel is on the right wall out of view in this shot.

What is the minimum clearances here? Code references always useful :slight_smile:

Is it necessary to put signage on the door indicating the location of the service panel inside, for the local utility company?

Thanks for looking.

I may be misunderstanding, but, the same clearance and workspace is required for this panel as one in a house.

That being 15" from center minimum left to right (30" combined) and 36" at front. I was just wondering if the obstruction being pool equipment had any bearing.


The panel can be located anywhere in those 30 inches…not just centered in the 30 inches. As for “storage” being placed in the workspace in accordance with Section 110.26(B). See below

“(B) Clear Spaces. Working space required by this section shall not be used for storage.”

Regardless of the YEAR…clutter in the workspace is a problem and note should be made that this space needs to remain clear.

Thanks Paul.

The standard working clearances and dedicated equipment spaces would apply to the panel. Also in accordance with 300.6 the panel would need to be suitable for the environment of that room.

Aside from your Code question; I hope that room is ventilated. I would not want all that equipment and chemicals in a closed room. Bad things will happen…

Passive ventilation high/low, yes.

Thanks for that Robert.

You’re welcome, I know from experience. Once when I went to connect a new pump in a pool equipment shed, where they stored chemicals, the panel and EMT was all rotted.

I assume if the bus bars in the panel suffered corrosion due to being in close proximity to caustic chemicals, that would be a bad thing.