Nick is asking whether Greg Bell do a residential or a commercial course at the 2007 NACHI Convention.
So if time is available why not both?
Not take away from Greg’s good intentions - I think both is great idea. But would there be any interest and if so - how about a Canadian Code course - National or Ontario?
National of course!
Perhaps another way to look at this subject matter is the learning outcomes or expectations of those interested in attending a Canadian residential code course.
What level - intro or intermediate (depends on experience of the audience)?
- changes to the code
- safety issues
- building envelope
- ventilation
- etc. - etc.
Perhaps this code question should be thought out a little more
In short - some of us are very anti code
Main problem there is not ONE code and we are inspecting properties of different ages in different locations
Code is not in our scope
— If one wants to do code work then do it – This is another profession with its own associations etc.
I think it would be a waste of time and $$ to have ether CODE taught at convention - and it is our $$
If we feel we need code instructors then lets call ICC and get someone that has some time in rate.
Same with NEC etc.
Just my thoughts about where my money goes
Richard I doubt that you would be going to the convention anyway. It would be to cold for you to stand outside all of the time anyway.
By the way Richard when is your chapter meeting going to take place?
Perhaps than - we need to look at how code really forms the bases of recognizing certain standards or guidelines that home inspectors follows. Beyond the SOP - what is the standard that determines most if not all construction practices in Canada or the United States for lets say a home?
My response would be reference to code standards - more specifically that building codes represent the minimum acceptable level for construction. at least for the past 50 -60 years or so.
How does a home inspector recognize and benchmark any given defect other than its no longer functioning? What is the implication or impact of the condition on the client? - Again all of the answers to these types of questions requires to some degree or another knowledge of code, and knowledge of construction practice. Not uncle Louie’s version - but the acceptable standards.
Your thoughts on code are about as ancient as you are.
My thoughts exactly. Even though we don’t inspect to code it is the basis for most defects that we call out.
I created a presentation called
Home Inspections and building code
Fact or Fiction
It summarizes how many items we call out for defects are related to the code. How did the founding fathers come up with the first SOP? They didn’t just pull defects out of thin air.
I guess you did not know Richard is frostproof.
May in Canada is warm for us and we wear shorts .
Roy Cooke
Hi Roy,
I doubt that I will be wearing any shorts while I am up there. It will be cold for us Florida boys.
For the Toronto’s conference I would vote for a Canadian version and surely Claude would be the man; of course having both residential and commercial would be nice.
No offence Greg but what do you know of our code or weather being from Sunshine Florida…
Richard has convinced Greg & I that we need to expand our vision and reach out to new opportunities. Are there any savvy venture capitalists who have an eye for the next big thing? Let us know!
Hello Marcel,
I don’t know anything about your code or how to build igloos. If you read my first post on the subject you will see that I asked if their were enough people attending from the US to make a code course viable.
Get someone in who is knowledgable and qualified and who knows and works with the Code.
Well it appears that those of you from Canada just want this to be for people from your area. I guess you don’t want any of us Yankees coming to your party. Good Luck with your event. We will start working on one in the states that the Americans can attend.
Gee its 7 months away and this has been posted for 13 days .
Now you get upset because the Canadians have answered .
Why get upset with us it looks to me like the Americans are still in the planning stage to try and see how they can get every thing in line to come to Canada to the conference.
I would say why not just sit on it for a while to see.
I know I had not got every thing lined up to go too the Florida Convention 7 months before it was the convention Date.
I sent you an e-mail 3 days before the Florida Convention and you at that time where not even sure what days you would be there to Orlando.
Roy Cooke