Today we signed a deal to have the ultimate, ultimate, ultimate, ultimate, inspector flashlight manufactured specifically for our industry and NACHI members… the NACHI Beam… coming soon! Outrageously powerful.
Something like this Nick?
Count me in for Beta testing . . .!!
Always looking for a better/brighter/lighter flashlight.
I wonder if it is brighter than my re-chargeable Mag.
It is not how much light but where it goes and how long it lasts and how BIG it is
With my eyesite I need a lot of light and glasses
Nick – play with it with some of the other light on the market and let us know your thoughts
I use this flashlight for general purpose.
Will the NACHI light be better? Just checking.
Could it also include ultraviolet?
Very useful.
I agree with Richard!
I’m with Todd.
Maybe with a little more battery life since we are fantasizing here!
I have 2 StreamLight UltraStingers, and think they are superb.
If NACHI strikes a deal with these guys, I’d buy another for the wife.
She is always using mine…
I use one Ultrastinger but have 2 spare fully charged batteries in the truck along with extra bulbs. I have only had one inspection that required the use of a second battery. It had 2 large attics and 2 crawl spaces due to the addition. Otherwise a single battery has been suffecient.
Match something like that with the light weight and I’ll take one.
I have two ultrastingers also, excellent lights.
I have a 15,000,000 candlepower flashlight that is rechargeable in my truck. I have never had it run out on an inspection, and always recharges before I need it at the next one. Got it from a sporting goods store. I can enter a crawlspace and turn it on, and it is so bright, I can see the eyes on the other side of the crawlspace easily. It can be adjusted from wide to narrow beam. Just be careful where you shine it.
I use a cop-style light that uses 3 of the “123” batteries, for simple light-pokes into areas like panel boxes.
Smaller than a C-cell, but powerful enough to be a blinding weapon.
For detailed & long use, I use a rechargeable Brinkman 2-beam (slim model, same size beams, not the big-beam that is also out now). recharges in truck as I drive along - $20.
Anything I carry has to be small & light. Getting impressed with the multi-watt LEDs - I think they’ll have promise when they get to the 3-5 W range.
If you need a test run with this product, the Atlanta Chapter will be happy to help.
15 million candlepower salivating. I want one of those! Do you have a manufacturer name so I can google it?
Stingers are tough to beat… that’s what I use, Stinger XT and the Ultra, great lights…
If you google 15,000,000 candlepower flashlight, you will get pages of resources. Just be carefull, it is visible for up to 6 miles. The one I got from the sporting goods store has the brand name Alpine on it.
6,000,000-15,000,000 Candle power lights can also be found at auto parts stores. I found a nice 10,000,000 CW power one at Big Lots. It’s a close-out store. I have been very happy with it. The only thing is if you don’t use it for about a week the battery will need to be recharged.
Be careful of spot lights manufactured by vector
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