Commercial Inspection book

We have published and E-blast all Florida Certified Home Inspectors for the first of 8 books in a series of conducting a commercial inspection. These books are based on Florida building criteria but the first book will show you how to get started anywhere in the U.S. A.
Follow the information on the E-blast to order yours now and we may have it available on the InterNACHI site soon after Nick reviews and approves.

I have not received anything yet.

Will you be doing real books as well. I know a great many of us prefer them.

I would be glad to review any print books you guys write as I have done in the past for others.

This is a printed book and the information to purchase is on the E-blast. This is not a download publication but hard copy. It is the first in a series and this explains how to set up your business to perform Commercial Inspections PCA’s (Property Condition Assessments) and publish PCR’s (Property condition Reports).
Hope that helps.

Yep. If you would like me to review it for you like I have done for Nick and Nathans books shoot me an email and i’ll send you the address to send it to.

post #83 for Nathans:

One thing for sure be it good or bad or somewhere in between it WILL BE HONEST :slight_smile:

How many commercial building inspections have you completed in the last 3 years???

None. That is why I would be perfect besides my amazing honesty.

We could see what it would teach me and my opinions of it. I imagine their target audience are those who are interested in doing them and LEARNING.

Well maybe one if a motel counts…

Did this one yesterday. I will look for the email. I would like to buy the series.

And just what is the price of the “amazing honesty”? :neutral:

Nothing… It cost me more than everyone else.

I tell the truth no matter how it makes me look . Most around here suck rear and just tow the company line and say what is expected of them.

I actually admit when I am wrong say what is not believed by most if I believe it and will tell the truth about scumbags and asinine rules and such.

Point is I do not give a crap what folks think. I am who I am and make no excuses.

Most are fake full of crap liars who put on a show because they are afraid of who will see what they say.

We are going to have the books available for purchase soon. I’ll email everyone on the day of release.

Thanks, You generosity never ceases to amaze me :slight_smile:

If I ever grow up I hope to turn out like you :slight_smile:

William, email to me. We often to commercial inspection and I would love to see your publication.

Have you received the Eblast email for this?
Curious if the email list from the state worked.
Thanks, Bill

I did not get anything recently by email.

We got the list from the state. Is your email registered with the state for HI?

Mine is listed with the State…I did not get an email for this.

I will look into this as there seems to be an issue with the company that was used to send the eblast.
Will get back to this board shortly.

It was explained to me that it might be in your spam folder and depending on your settings might have been blocked. I will work on this to correct and might have to arrange with Nick to make available if he is willing.
Thanks for your patience.