I have been asked to do a commercial inpsection on a small local resturant. I Know the man buying the resturant well I have done work for him before. My question to you people(fellow inspectors) do you have to have a certification in commercial inspections or is the certification level I have with my home inspections fine. I am planning on taking an commercial course as soon as I can find one in my area. So if any one hase any info on this it would be very greatful… I live in Maine and the inspection is in maine, Maine dosent have an inpsection liscence as of yet. Thanks
On one hand commercial buildings and their components are similar to residental in many ways just bigger. On the the other hand they are as different as day night. With a restaurant you better know about grease traps and sprinkler systems. Depending on the size of the restaurant the electrical may be bigger and more complex than your used to, same with the plumbing. What type of roofing system does it have? , flat roof…built up, modified bitumen, synthetic rubber. Wood framing? steel framing? etc. etc… In other words, if your not sure of what your doing, don’t do it. You can end up getting in over your head real quick.
Michael, Give me a call, I would be more than happy to help you.
My office is on the other side of the river in the old mill buildings.
I received my certificate on commercial inspections in 2005 at ITA in CT.
You can reach me at 603-740-4062
I would have to agree with that discription;
If you are to Inspect the Commercial Property for just it’s condition, that is fine wether or not it is a restaurant or other type of bussiness.
But, what exactly are you hired for to inspect would be my question.
Their are a lot of componets related to Restaurant usage and requirements for it’s function.
What is the capacity rating of the establishment?
Is there any other bussiness other than the restaurant in the same building?
What is the accessibilaty of the Bussiness Building?
This list is miles long.
If one could define to me what they are inspecting, maybe I could help.
Please feel free to ask.
If I can not answer, I will reccomend someone who will that lives in Arizona. ha. ha.
You also need a software program that supports Commercial Inspections… Check out Porter Valley Software, they have a program designed for commercial inspections…Remember you have more liability with commercial inspections, buildings and systems are costly and the safety of patrons is a priority…
Check out their site: http://www.pvsoftware.com/inspectvue_commercial.shtml
Here’s my sales pitch… Since I am an authorized dealer for the software, and an inspector myself… I may be able to get you a Discount on the Program if you are serious about doing Commericial Inspections in the future…
Check it out!
Call me or email me if you are interested in purchasing the software…
Justin Watts
American Dream Home Inspection - www.americandreamhomeinspection.net
Authorized Dealer, Porter Valley Software
email: americandream1@cox.net
cell: (949)331-2602
I Appreciate all the help in this subject. To help this out with some of your qeustions. I am basically being hired to check out the following,
The roof
the exterior (which i have already gone over with the buyer as a friend, I have done work for him in the past and i just have to write up what we have seen so far. )
Interior walls and main structure
I might have the electrical checked out by the electrician i use on a daily basis.
I have been in the building trade for around 12 years and mainly do renovations so I am realy comfortable with the inspection process basically do one everytime I price out work.
I always recommend having plumbing and electrical further inpsected by licensed Plumber and electrician.
So The only question or help I am still looking for is basically do I need an additional certification under NACHI qualifications to do a commercial inspection.
Like i said i am going to take the class when I can and probably wont do any other commercial inspections until i do if i do this one. Its just that i do alot of work for this man and he already owns a resturant, so he knows what he is looking for he just basically needs an outside opinion on the strucual thing
Oh and also its strictly just a resturant. to answere the other questions.
So again thanks for all your help and i hope to hear more.
For a commercial building course that is coming to your area, Check out these two links.
We have been promised that this course will be presented to New Hampshire first. If you send me your “contact information” I will add you to our database and when the Certified Commercial Building course comes to New Hampshire I will let you know.
InterNACHI®️ Forum - InterNACHI®️ Forum - A community for home inspectors](InterNACHI®️ Forum - InterNACHI®️ Forum - A community for home inspectors)
InterNACHI®️ Forum - InterNACHI®️ Forum - A community for home inspectors](InterNACHI®️ Forum - InterNACHI®️ Forum - A community for home inspectors)
I would check with your state licensing commission and find out what is required, if anything. If not, there is no certification requirements that I know of. If you are going to go into this or just put your toe in, so to speak, always find out how extensive the client wants the inspection. Use the ASTM 2018 standards for your inspection. That is a great guideline to go by.
You are going down the right path. Have contractors you know and have a good reputation to help with the areas you are not sure in. Frank Carrio is a great source of knowledge on this subject. I met him at an ITA Commercial Inspection class in Denver this year. Great knowledge and experience base.
HIT Interactive, in conjunction with Nick Gromicko and NACHI, is pleased to announce the release of its Commercial Inspections Course.
This course is unique, as it dissects the ASTM Standard, and teaches inspectors what is needed to perform a commercial inspection to these ratified standards.
We remove all the mystery from the process.
The best thing of all is the fact that Nick has agreed to help bring this course to NACHI chapter locations around the US!
No kidding…
Those chapters and states interested need to start lettimg me know where and when!
For those not able to attend an on-site course, it will be shipping on CD within the next 3 weeks or so.
Okay folks… you asked for it, and we are delivering!
Commercial Inspections… at last. AWESOME