Company name and logo opinions!

the image isn’t compressed or resized and it’s fairly large, just threw it on the main page for now. The acually logo will only be the top portion not the part with the city landscape.

The red pops more and catches the eye.

I know that there is a color chart out there that tells you which color/s you should choose if you pick a certain color.

I used that while making my logo…with that being said I no longer like my logo and will be making another one soon.

I don’t see a logo on your website.

You are from the Rock, I would use some of the colours from your flag. I also think that you need a splash of colour that stands out, something when you advertise that you can use to get attention. Also remember that you colours are part of your brand, so use colours that you want on your print ads and handouts.

Also, don’t go with two shades of blue or blue grey. I did a quick MS Paint change, but you are better off either finding a local graphic artist to create the logo you want and love or using the INACHI offer for a free logo when you buy a batch of business cards. Also stay away from VISTA print as everything you create stays on their site. It is hard/impossible to get your art work later.


That looks nice.

The Red.
Stands out.