Consumer here: Should I contact my home inspector or not after a major issue was missed?

Aspects to note about your post.

  1. You obviously have a comprehension problem and should read my posts (not one but all) closely.
  2. You seem to have a communications/writing skills problem. When you quote someone and try to cherry pick parts of a post you purposely take the post out of context to make a point that just doesn’t matter for the situation at hand.
  3. Everything on this board is speculation if the Inspector or consumer asks a question and does not provide full details which in many posts is the case. The entire point of the discourse is to provide the Inspector or consumer with the proper questions to help them help themselves by providing the information we need to at least make an informed opinion. Again closely read my posts as that is the path I am taking.
  4. You seem to not care about the consumers that you are there to serve when you take such positions as you do. Inspectors are not infallible and given what has been presented here I would have strong suspicions about this Inspector. It is not our job to protect Inspectors but instead to serve and to protect the consumer. That in fact IS part of the Texas licensing laws and rules. Those rules cover the licensed Texas Inspector with all consumer interactions without regard to the consumer’s location. Before you “throw the Inspector under the bus” I suggest you become familiar with their licensing laws.

The Inspector was not thrown under the bus let alone thrown “under the bus needlessly” what was done was question the Inspector’s actions and findings as presented by this consumer who has come to this board for opinions from professionals in the industry. If you choose not to be a professional in this industry then I suggest you view only on this board and refrain from “speculating” about anything presented until you have full written reports, proof, etc., etc., etc.