Originally Posted By: gbeaumont This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Electrics SEC to panels
Joe Tedesco Electrics GFCI and AFCI
Keith Swift Avoiding litigation
Sam Wood Foundation defects
Chris Butler & Bob Pearson E&O insurance issues
Peter Drenan New construction inspecting
Claude Lawrenson Professional reporting
Tool Experts Understanding equipment
Tom Lauhon EIFS issues
Kenny Hart Plumbing evaluation
Barry Stangle WDI/WDO evaluation
Simpson Strongtie Construction connections
Prolab Mold issues and evaluation
Radalink Radon testing
All of the above are recognized leaders and educators in their fields and have great courses.
Now for the bad news
Gerry Beaumont Topic undecided (waiting til next week to see what gaps we have) but will do at least one course on either roofing issues, Older property inspection or a class on passing Licensing exams. I can fit in pretty much whatever members feel that they need.
On top of the above we also have an auditorium available both days which will have round table discussions on Marketing, business ethics, licensing and ethics.
This is going to be a heck of a conference and a great chance for us all to learn new skills, meet our colleagues, improve our businesses and swap war stories!!
Plus a very busy vendor Hall with 40 odd companies represented and covering 60 spaces
Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Toshiba is coming too. They are giving an exclusive deal to NACHI members and Convention attendees on their new notebook computers and tablet computers.
I think they will be giving a few away as well. I don't have all the details on this NACHI-discount as I just put it all together yesterday but I'll have a press-release up in http://www.nachi.org/deals.htm
Originally Posted By: rzimmerman This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
There was a post awhile back relating to two possible classes from companies that hire local inspectors for desasters, insurance and the like. I can not find that post. Can you give an update on these classes.
Originally Posted By: staylor This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
What time on Wednesday for the CMC class? I will not be arriving until evening. Will it be offered any other time? Also, I heard something about a new construction inspection class but don’t see it listed on the schedule?
Originally Posted By: dvalley This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Wow. There are a lot of classes scheduled. I wish they could have been spread out more. There are some classes I’m going to miss due to time constraints and popular demand.